Memories: Fates

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Ratchet was in the main area doing his normal work when Optimus and the others were on a mission in an Energon Mine before he suddenly heard something, Ratchet turned to the direction of the sound. "What in the AllSpark?" he asked

Ratchet then moved closer to hear music sounding elegant and gentle before he got to the source in Sabrina's room and she started to sing.

You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek

Life beyond the shore just out of reach

Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time

The path is yours to climb

In the white light, a hand reaches through

A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two

Waking dreams fade away,

Embrace the brand-new day

Sing with me a song of birthrights and love

The light scatters to the sky above

Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone

Lost in thoughts all alone

Ratchet stopped to listen to the words taking his mind away into past memories.


A few Eons after Wildfire's warning Megatronus and Nightflame still never stopped seeing one another after only two days of trying it their own sparks were hurting each other till they finally getting together.

The two of them were sneaking around in Koan not wanting to get in trouble but Wildfire again but they were unaware they were being followed a Seeker Enforcer had spotted the two and was following them to see what was going on before found it out.

Megatronus and Nightflame were holding each other close before they pulled away and Nightflame started to head back to Iacon Megatronus watched her before he headed home himself the Seeker then started to follow Megatronus through the city too his place and was about to open the door. "Seeing an Iacon archivist are we?"

Megatronus stopped and looked back to see the Seeker getting ready to kill him with suddenly a blade went right through his spark chamber he froze and looked to see Nightflame's twin sister as the seeker fell. "Stars?" he asked

She looked at him as she pulled the black out of the dead seeker. "Your lucky I just saved you but this will not go well with Vos..." she replied

Megatronus just looked at her he knew exactly what she meant. "I know that you and my sister are still seeing each other... you can't be apart I see that now but Wildfire may not." Stars continued.

Megatronus continued to look at her before they both heard something heading their way. "Go into your home Megatronus... look after my sister only tell her I did this for you both now go!" she continued

Megatronus looked at her before he nodded and disappeared into his house, he moved to the upper level to see Seekers surrounding Nightflame's sister she was looking at them before they forced her to drop the blade and they dragged her away.

Megatronus just watched till they were out of sight. This is not good. He thought

The next day Megatronus was walking into Iacon though he was not himself after last night he was concerned for Nightflame's sister before long he was grabbed and dragged into the alley he looked to see Nightflame with a face he didn't like. "Night... what's going on?" he asked

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