The Truth

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(finally another chapter for all of you again sorry for the delay and enjoy :D) 

Starfire was in her room still looking through the books she received from Aurora a few hours ago and there was a lot in them about predacons more than most would've ever thought. she contacted Echo to show what she found but she was in the middle of dealing with the dragon Predacon at the time.

She sighed to herself a little looking through the pages before looking towards the Predacon in her room, it seemed to be looking at something on the floor next to it it's ears were standing straight up and it's optics were laser focused on it though starfire couldn't see what the Predacon was looking at. "What are you doing Dakota?" She asked

Starfire had decided to call the Predacon 'Dakota', she felt that it was better then calling it Trico like the boy calls the beast in the game and she liked the name.

Dakota lifted her heard looking at her tilting it a little it's ears forward and furious to her,

Starfire chuckled pushing herself off the berth leaving the book open, she walked to the Predacon sitting down beside it and giving her a little scratch on the helm.

Dakota leaned into the scratches and made some small cute sounds as she pushed her head into Starfire a little making the femme chuckle a little. "You're so cute." She said

The Predacon made another noise as he laid her helm onto the Decepticon Princess.

Meanwhile Aurora was scouting out something away from the warship and city she had picked up a signal far from them and went alone to investigate it Megatron and Dancer were aware of her doing this and if she found anything of value to tell them about it.

Fairly quickly she arrived at the location slowly approaching it with her scanner up and running. "Anything could happen... don't let your guard down." She thought out loud moving into the area.

Slowly she entered what seemed to be like an abandoned mine taking caution she slowly moved inside.

"You still think I have not won? Oh how wrong you are." An unknown voice said within the cavern letting out a chuckle as well.

Aurora stopped for a moment looking around before slowly moving to the source of the voice.

"Not yet! I.. still... have... control!" Optimus suddenly stated

The coloured femme was shocked. she found the newly fallen prime, but who was he talking to? She moved closer coming to an opening she crouched down moving her right servo onto the wall.

"Still you struggle, still you refuse to accept the truth... you will learn, sooner or later. Give in to me. Your pain will end."

Aurora peaked her helm around the corner only to find the prime was alone, the coloured femme was confused. just who was he talking to then? This was strange even for the mercenary Second in command. She remained hidden just looking at her sire it seemed he was struggling with something but what, she was able to see he didn't look the same as he did on Cybertron when they last saw him. Optimus looked darker. Somewhat bulkier.

"You have not won yet over me!" Optimus stated

Suddenly his optics were flashing red same with his biolights. "And yet here I am... slowly taking over. I will take control, Orion. You cannot fight forever."

That caught Aurora off guard whoever her sire was talking to... was taking over him... coming to realize none of this was his fault something is making it happen.

"No! I will not!" Optimus cried out holding his helm crying out in pain backing into a wall slightly he was trying very hard to fight whatever... or whoever... was inside of his helm.

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