Prehistoric Life

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Once Shockwave and Starfire were into another lab deep inside the complex, soft screeches were heard but they didn't sound the same as The other one, Jack, Miko and Raf were close by watching their friend closely.

The sounds get louder as they came to a large cage and inside was a much smaller Predacon than the first one they saw it looked to be around Knockout's height. It looked like the face of a dog, the ears, body and tail of a cat, and the beak, wings, the armored plating was shaped for like feathers of a bird. It also sported a pair of horns on its head. Its colour palette was an off white the edges its tail, wings, and base of the taloned feet were a light green colour, while having lighter feathers on its face. The beast's optics were a glowing different green colours.

Starfire looked at the Predacon continuously moving closer to the cage getting to the door.

The Predacon looked towards her letting out another screech like it was afraid of something, the Decepticon Princess sighed sadly at it it was looking ther with a really cute looking face but still seemed afraid.

"The beast is significantly different from the first Predacon." Shockwave stated

Starfire looked at him then back at the Predacon.

"What... it looks like a Trico..." Miko said moving closer to Starfire.

The young femme looked down at the human girl she smiled a little. "It does..." she replied

"Trico? You mean like from the Last Guardian game we played?" Raf asked

"Exactly" Miko said

The Predacon screeched again sound more curious but still terrified, Starfire looked around before seeing a few Energon cubes grabbing one before finding the entrance moving closer to it.

The Predacon never seemed to look away from Starfire it's optics glowing brightly as she got closer to it.

"Sabrina be careful..." Jack called out to her

"I'll be fine Jack." Starfire replied as she stopped a few feet away from the Predacon.

The feathered like Predacon started at her before looking at the Energon cube in her servos.

"You want it?" Starfire asked calmly.

The Predacon looked at her again making a low sound as if responding to her, Megatron, Soundwave and the others just watched not knowing how this was going to play out ready to intervene if the princess was attacked.

Starfire placed the cube in front of the Predacon it looked at it for a few seconds before swiftly swatting it away from Starfire's reach and pouncing on it devouring it. The predacon's powerful jaws crushed the crate it was In and the glowing blue liquid dribbled down it's jaw and onto the floor before it licked up the remainder of the energon. Starfire smiled before slowly moving her right servo towards its helm lighting touching it. The Predacon jumped for a moment before relaxing and Starfire began to pet it smiling wide as it arched into her touch.

"It seems that predacons feed on a mixture of energon and metals." Shockwave observed

"It is much smaller than the other Predacon within our ranks..." Megatron replied

"It might need different nutrients for Its body perhaps?" Raf asked

"Just like a Trico." Starfire smiles lightly petting the Predacon's helm.

"We do not yet know." Shockwave replied.

The predacon's Optics changed and it seemed to have relaxed as it leaned into Starfire, the Decepticon Princess smiled again as she scratched it in between the ears.

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