Storming the Warship

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Sabrina, Jack and Rafael continued to look up at the warship till the cons then started firing at them they tried get cover then Bulkhead in vehicle mode got to them. "Get in!" He said

They did and drove off. "Thank you, Bulkhead." Sabrina said

"Yeah thanks." Jacks and Raf replied

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Bulk asked

"We were worried about Miko..." Jack replied "Have you seen her?"

Then Miko popped up from the back seat. "What she look like?" She asked with a smirk.

Bulkhead stopped behind a rock before he opened his door. "Everyone out!" He said

They got out. "And this time, please. Stay here..." He continued

Then the bot drove to the warship dodging the attacks before he got under the ship, transformed and climbed the wall onto the ship and quickly attacked the cons once they were killed he looked down but only saw Jack and Raf. He nearly panicked. "Where's Sabrina and Miko!" He called out

A banging was heard he opened his chest compartment a little and the girls came out. "Girls?" He asked in a shocked squeaky voice.

"I heaved on your floor mats." Miko said. "Sorry." she hung onto his armor.

"She dragged me into it... at least I didn't puke..." Sabrina replied.

Bulkhead lifted his servo to them before he closed his chest compartment and set them down. "Remind me never to do that again." Miko replied

Sabrina nodded Bulkhead was attacked and the green bot attacked and killed it fast then two more come from the inside of the ship they looked at the girls mainly at Sabrina before they tried to grab them they were shot at and killed then Bulk laid his servo down again the girls got on it the bot looked at them before the cons fired at them again.

Bulkhead put himself into the way before he jumped into the ship he ran again before more cons saw the Autobot, Bulkhead then made the girls slide on the ground onto the other side as he dealt with the cons once they were taken care of Bulkhead grabbed the girls again and continued running.

He heard someone coming and prepared his weapon before Arcee and Bumblebee was seen he sighed in relief. "Friendly. She said

"Hello." Bulkhead replied

They lowered their weapons, Arcee just looked at him. "Brought the humans, huh?" She asked

Bulkhead just looked at her. "You try getting them to stay behind!" He stated

Arcee looked at him. "We need to find Fowler and get these kids out of here." She replied

"Umm." Jack said

The bots looked at him. "He's in the brig." Jack and Raf said in union

They just looked at them before they grabbed the two of them and ran towards the brig as they were they had to fight the cons to get to Fowler. They got the bridge doorway and killed the cons inside Arcee looked at them. "Wait in here." She said

:Are you sure they'll be ok in here?: Bumblebee beeped

"Their slowing us down and their easy targets, they'll be alright in here." Arcee replied and called for one of her guns. "As long they stay put."

The bots then left the four of them in the bridge. "That was intense." Miko said

Sabrina glared at her. "Was?" Raf asked

"It's all your fault, what we're stuck in this intensity." Jack growled

"What were you thinking Miko!?" Sabrina asked

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