Darkness Rising

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Not long after Jack had left the Autobot's base that the others were returning home for the night Sabrina was as well and she was not too thrilled about it Arcee had dropped her off before she left herself. Sabrina got to the front door on her home and froze before she closed her eyes grabbed the handle and opening the door slowly and gently.

Once she was in Sabrina turned slowly closing the door. "SABRINA!"

Sabrina froze and closed her eyes to the yelling. "What have you been doing?" the man asked

Sabrina turned her head to him to see his wife there as well just as pissed as he was. "I-I was b-busy..." she replied

"Really?" her mother asked

Sabrina turned to face them fear was in her face. "Yes..." she replied

The man glared at her he moved to her and slapped her across the face. "Don't lie to us Sabrina!" he growled

Sabrina cried out in pain and she cowered in fear. "I didn't lie..." she cried

The man growled and roughly grabbed her. "You never knew to tell the truth Sabrina... ever since we took you into this house!" he growled

Sabrina cried again this was what she hated about her life, these two humans were the worst in the world and she was forced to live with them. The woman moved to them and grabbed her by her dark purple hair Sabrina cried out as she was pulled away from the door. "Your a freak and good for nothing liar!" the woman growled

Sabrina tried to grab her to get out of her grasp but was up able too, the abuse continued for a while before Sabrina was able to get away from them she ran to her room closed the door and locked it she leaned herself on the door and cried as she slid down it.

She brought her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them this had been her life for 16 years the family she was brought to never showed her love or care she hated it she wished she was more than just human to destroy them as they destroyed her.

The next morning Sabrina had gotten up and packed her things before she quickly got out of the house, she sighed in relief that they were not up she got away from there and got to the restaurant that Jack worked at. "Arcee Look Miko already tried."

Sabrina looked up to see Jack talking to Arcee. "Tell Optimus I respect him big time, but if you're fighting a war with the Decepticons there's nothing I can do." Jack continued

"Optimus didn't send me, and no one's asking for your help." Arcee replied

"Ok so, if we both agree that i' not warrior material." Jack replied

"Jack, I just lost someone I cared about..." Arcee replied. "Maybe it's the grief talking, maybe you're growing on me. Whatever It is... I'm just not ready to say goodbye."

Sabrina moved to them, Jack gasped. There were bruises on her face not big ones but still there. "I'm fine Jack..." she said

"What happened?" Arcee asked

Sabrina sighed. "Remember when I said my 'parents' never cared if I got home in time or not?" She asked

Jack and Arcee just looked at her. "How long has this been happening?" Jack asked

"All my life..." Sabrina replied

"We need to get back to base..." Arcee said

Sabrina nodded they got onto Arcee and they drove off for the base, it didn't take long they got there to see the bots around Ratchet they both got off the bot. "Hey... Guess who's back."

Sabrina looked at him before she moved away. "Autobots, prepare for departure." Optimus stated

Sabrina and Jack just looked at him. "Where to?" Arcee asked

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