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Days after the Mine cave in Sabrina had been thinking to herself of the things that happened and recently the bot told them that Starscream had left the Decepticon ranks and was on his own, this for some reason made Sabrina panic on the inside though she just thought it was something to do with the fact that she was in his grasp a few days ago.

Though she had noticed ever since then and every time she was out and Megatron was near the warlord was always trying to grab her but she never could figure out why and her relationship with Bee was known to the bots and Ratchet had a look that Sabrina didn't really know what was going on with him.

Sabrina was out on a little mission with Ratchet and the other kids were looking for Energon, though Sabrina was confused why Ratchet was going and not one of the other bots but she shrugged it off.

"Now that I'm alone I have to try and find Energon on my own..."

Sabrina stopped before she looked away she saw Starscream she gasped lowly before she ran to Ratchet before the Seeker had spotted them and he growled before he moved closer, Ratchet looked to see him and he prepared himself.

"The Autobot Medic... what would you be doing here?" Starscream asked

"That should be obvious Starscream..." Ratchet replied

The seeker growled before he was going to do something popped up now too far from the group Starscream's optics widened to remember the glowing dark purple form but something was different about it.

It seemed to glare at Starscream before it made something and suddenly the seeker, Ratchet, and the kids were teleported into somewhere they had no idea what happened Sabrina just grabbed her head and shook it before she looked to see the seeker and the old medic on the ground. "What just happened?" Miko asked

"I am not sure..." Jack and raf replied

Starscream groaned before he got up looking at them as Ratchet got up. "What was that?" Ratchet asked

Starscream rolled his optics. "How should I know?" he asked

Ratchet looked at the seeker. "You awakened it in the first place!" he snapped

Starscream glared. "And how was I supposed to know that the Dark Energon was going to summon something like that?" he asked.

Ratchet was about to snap at him when. "ENOUGH!" Sabrina snapped

The former con and Old Medic looked down at her. "Just stop with the arguing and find out what just happened!" she snapped again

Starscream just looked at her before he groaned. "You're just like your sire..." he snapped

Sabrina looked up at him. My sire? She asked herself

Ratchet glared at Starscream when he said that. "Alright first off... I have only found out I am Cybertronian for a few months now and I don't even know who my sire even is!" Sabrina snapped

Starscream just looked at her before he grinned. "Then you have a lot to find out..." he replied

Sabrina glared before she shook her head. "I don't care right now Starscream right now we have to find out where the slag we are!" she snapped

Starscream rolled his optics at her, Ratchet then got to the kids and they started walking, Starscream just remained where he was before he groaned and followed them.

Meanwhile on the Warship Megatron was in a complete panic attack, Starfire went off the radar and Starscream was there when she did he needed to find out what happened, not even soundwave was not able to help him and so we went to Echo hoping she could.

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