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The Decepticon Warlord and Sabrina had been looking at one another for quite a while neither of them was able to figure out what was going on, Sabrina confused and stunned with the way Megatron looked at her and Megatron was in shock for his own Daughter was standing right there as a human.

H-how is she alive? Megatron asked himself

The two continued to stare at one another Ratchet was looking at this curiously seeing the Warlord like this was something he had not seen in a long time he then looked at Sabrina before looking back at Megatron looking between the two before his optics widened to the realization. Holy Scrap! It's Megatron's own Daughter!!! He cried to himself

The old medic looked at the Scout and Raf noticing they had not seen the look from the Warlord and the young femme, Megatron sort of came out of his shocked phase before he started to move toward Sabrina. Bumblebee snapped out of it. No you're not hurting them! He said to himself

Bumblebee then moved quickly placing himself between the kids and the Warlord, Megatron stopped and looked at the scout before his optics narrowed and he growled. "Scrap!" Ratchet cried

"You dare get in my way?!" Megatron growled

Bee get out of his way before you get hurt!!!!! Ratchet cried to himself

Bumblebee didn't say anything he just glared at the warlord, Megatron's faceplate got darker he was angry and Sabrina could feel it more than the others. Megatron wanted to attack the scout for blocking his path to his daughter he needed to deal with a certain Seeker.

Megatron glanced over to Ratchet then glared at Bumblebee before he pushed past the bots heading to leave. "Finish these pests!" he said moving. "I have my own extermination to perform."

Before Megatron left completely he looked at one of his troops standing there. "But bring the girl to me, unharmed." he said lowly then walked away

The cons looked at their master funny before they looked at Sabrina looking at her stunned before they went to fire at the bots, the two bots tried to get themselves out of fire range Ratchet grabbed Raf and ran for cover Bumblebee and Sabrina looked at him like. 'Did you just really' look on their faces.

Bumblebee then grabbed Sabrina and ran towards Ratchet and Raf, meanwhile Soundwave was working on trying to find Starfire when suddenly he got something. ::Soundwave! Get my daughter from the Autobots!:: Megatron suddenly said through a private com.

Soundwave stopped for a moment before he looked to the side finding Starfire's signal on the warship, he looked over to Ravage, Frenzy and Rumble. "Find Princess Starfire and bring her to me." he said using different voices.

The Deployers nodded before they went to find the Princess of the Decepticons, Bumblebee and Ratchet were running down the halls of the ship trying to escape. :Ratchet... why did you only grab Raf and not Sabrina?: Bumblebee beeped

Ratchet groaned a little. "It's something I rather not talk about..." he replied

Bumblebee just looked at him before something fired at them Ratchet and Bee look around before their optics widened to see the three Deployers coming at them. "W-what?" Ratchet asked

:I don't know...: Bumblebee beeped

The bots put the kids down before they prepared to attack the minicons Ravage had gotten past the bots and to the kids Sabrina just stood where she was as Raf moved away from the cybercat. "Scrap, Scrap, Scrap!!!!!" Sabrina said

Ravage got to Sabrina with glaring ready-to-kill optics before he looked down at her and they changed, becoming wide and round and more feline-like. This was not the same Cybercat that came at her a moment ago.

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