Unleash Aurora

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The entire Nexus was under lockdown Aurora and a few of Calypso's Forces were hunting down traitors and getting the civilians inside to safety.

Dancer was finishing off the mutinous crew of the furious.

"Where is Captain Cressida!" she demanded

The leader of the mutineers laughed weakly. He was being restrained by Calypso and one of the bridge staff. "she's probably dead by now. Tox-En diseases are quite.... Vicious... wouldn't you agree guild master."

Dancer's optics widened in rage and the toxic green cracks spread further down her left side and arm quickly. The more angry she got the faster it spread.

Dancer grabbed a gun from one of the soldiers and jammed the barrel to the mech's forehead. She was going to right out kill him without a trial or anything! In cold blood!

Megatron just watched horror was starting to creep up onto his face and thinking to himself that is how he was at times and seeing it from someone else scared him. This was how his daughter saw him when he acted like that.

Optimus was horrified as well. This was wrong! Even if the mech had tried to kill her. He should be tried and convicted!

"I don't suffer traitors well." Dancer said in a dangerous voice.

Optimus the stated. "Dancer stop... can you not see this is wrong?"

Dancer pulled the trigger and blew the mech's processor out.

"Wrong?" Dancer asked. "Treason is a capital offence. The punishment is death. If I spare an idiot stupid enough to turn against me then people start getting ideas. If they get stupid ideas they do stupid things. I am hard for a reason. My master spared bots like that. Like an idiot he died. Because the bots he spared came back from exile and murdered him. So I took over. I alone restored order. I created peace. I keep things in balance so the Nexus is not torn to pieces in a pointless war!"

"Still There has to be another way." Optimus said

Megatron looked towards the prime and shock his helm. Somethings never change for him.

"Another way? Haha I'd like to think like you Optimus Prime. I would but because of the Fallen's curse on my family. That's a bit impossible." Dancer said

Both Megatron and Optimus looked at her startled to the mention of the fallen they both knew him and knew him well, Megatron May have named himself after the fallen but that was in the pits of Kaon he was not a gladiator anymore.

"Curse?" Optimus asked

"My brother and I are descended from Solus Prime. When the Fallen murdered her. He cursed all of her descendants. Part of that was to die gruesome deaths. Which I saved my dumbass brother from his death. And currently. I am dying in a horrendous fashion." she lifted her left arm to emphasize her point.

The leaders of the Cons and Bots looked to her spreading disease and now felt sorry for her.

So she is related to Solus... interesting fact to know. The voice in Optimus' mind said

"The other part of the curse changes from bot to bot. Specifically the femmes. But. I can't trust either of you. So. I'm not telling you any more than that." Dancer said. "Now. If you don't mind. I need to regain full control of everything. Aurora. I need a status update."

::Almost everyone is safely inside WaterDancer and the ones that resisted though few were under arrest... just a few more places to check out before the Nexus is secure.:: Aurora replied

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