Chapter 180

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Seth (POV)
After we all gather our bearings, Lucy gathers the squad around to sit as she rereads the Key of the Starry Heavens. Her eyes grow wide as she finishes the book.
Lucy- Sorry guys.......but I got it all wrong?
Erza- Lucy what are you talking about?
Lucy- I understand now. It makes sense!
Mandy- What is it child?
Lucy- We weren't supposed to gather the clock pieces!
Erza- We weren't?
Grey- What makes you say that?
Lucy- I was wrong. I re-read the book and I think I've finally figured out it's message. It was trying to warn us NOT to assemble the Infinity Clock. It seems so obvious. I don't know how in the heck I missed it before.
Michelle- That's not good. We're in quite the predicament, aren't we?
Wendy- We did the opposite of what we're supposed to?
Happy- So all this time we thought we were doin the right thing. We were really just helping out the Oracion Seis?
Wendy- I should've known......That was nice a premonition, it was a warning.
Lucy- I can't believe I was so cocky. I thought I had it all figured out. But I was wrong. (Covers face with hands) Sorry dad. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry.
Ichiya- It seems as though your good intentions backfired.
Lucy- That's putting it lightly. Something horrible is gonna happen and it' fault.
Natsu- Ah come on. If there's anyone to blame, it's your dad cause he made things complicated.
Happy- Yeah no joke. He was really beatin around the bush with all of the anagrams and stuff.
Mandy- How could he possibly expect you to figure that out on your own?
Grey- If he didn't want you to gather them, he should've just come out and told ya.
Erza- Unfortunate some people feel the need to make things difficult.
Seth- I'll say.
Natsu- I don't understand people like that. I like doing things the easy way.
We give Lucy a couple more positive affirmations till she smiles again. That is until we hear the chime of the Infinity Clock yet again.
Lucy- The Infinity Clock.
Natsu- It's ringing somewhere out there.
Seth- Midnight........
Fairy Tail Guildhall
Macao- The Oracion Seis. I was hoping I'd never hear that name again.
Wakaba- I reckon that's why Makarov was summoned by the Wizard Saints?
Seth- Mhmm.
Erza- Our guild members were responsible for their arrests following the Nirvana incident. And now it appears they've escaped from prison.
Grey- While we were asleep for those seven years, they got a lot stronger.
Wendy- We were so utterly hopeless against them this last time.
Romeo- I couldn't do a single thing to help. I'm too weak!
Akuma- It's not like us to get our asses beat so easily like that.
Tsukiko- Never gave us the chance to counter and go on the offensive.
Michelle- Sorry.....I'm the one to blame for all of this.
Lucy- Plan don't be so hard on yourself Michelle. Don't you remember what Natsu said before?  My das dumped all of this crazy stuff on us and expected us to figure it out with no explanation.
Wendy- Do you even know how your father managed to get himself in all of this business with the Infinity Clock in the first place?
Lucy- No clue........unfortunately.
Erza- That mystery can be solved at a later time. Our highest priority at the moment is to locate the members of the Oracion Seis. And from there, recover the Infinity Clock.
Akuma- Then what are we waiting for? All we have to do is start looking everywhere we can think of and we're bound to run into them eventually right?
Tsukiko- Don't be dumb. We need to come up with a solid plan of action before we can do anything.
Akuma- Who are you calling dumb tiny tits?!
Tsukiko- I calling you dumb fucktard!
Tsukiko and Akuma end up brawling but I pay it no mind.
Wendy- Everyone is on edge today.
Carla- Well how can you expect them to feel? We don't know what to do.
Erza- And we're still missing some key players.
Max- Yeah, Gildarts and Laki haven't come back from their mission yet.
Erza- In times like these, we need strength from every single person in this guild.
???- Yo what's going on? The Thunder Legion has returned victorious.
I recognize that voice as Bixlow turn my head to the entrance and see the Thunder Legion.

I recognize that voice as Bixlow turn my head to the entrance and see the Thunder Legion

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Evergreen- Of course, it really wasn't such a struggle for a team such as ours. These jobs can be such an easy payday sometimes, it's almost criminal.
Everyone stops what they're doing and just stares at them.
Freed- Excuse me, but is there a problem here?
Seth- Have a seat you three. This is going to be a lot of explaining.
We get explain everything we know to the Thunder Legion to get them up to speed.
Bixlow- Okay....So something called the "Infinity Clock" is counting down to the end of the world? I swear, we leave for a couple days and things go downhill fast.
Evergreen- My, what unfortunate timing. Had we still been here, I'm sure we could've easily dispatched the Oracion Seis without much of a fuss.
Freed- Actually, while we were on our mission, I was in the marketplace getting ingredients for our next meal. While I was there, I overheard some soldiers talking about the destruction of churches in Sheerotsume. Two suspects were spotted fleeing the scene. A hooded man carrying a scythe and his accomplice who possessed incredible speed.
Happy- I can think of two bad guys who fit that description perfectly.
Seth- Erigor and Racer.
Freed- From what I could gather, the attacks on the churches have suddenly intensified in the past several days.
Bixlow- I don't understand why you never bothered to tell me or Evergreen about any of this stuff.
Freed- I told you over dinner that same night. I can only assume you were too enraptured by my cooking to pay very close attention.
Erza- But why target churches? I still don't see any clear motive for it.
Lucy- All I know, is that ever since the Oracion Seis got their grubby little hands on the Infinity Clock, things have gotten a whole lot worse.
We all turn to see her coming down the stairs.
Wakaba- Hold on now. You're in no shape to be walking around.
Lucy- What's wrong? Do you need some help?
She makes it down the stairs and walks up to me. I sense something dark coming from her. I can't see her eyes as her hair is covering them. She grabs a fork from the table and walk to the nearest wall.
Wakaba- You need to get back in bed and rest.
Kinana- We've wasted.....too much time already.....let's move.
She proceeds to stab and scrape the wall.
Kinana- Power from misery. The sorrow that consumes my the only thing still driving me forward.
The stabs and scrapes turn into symbols.

The stabs and scrapes turn into symbols

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Kinana- The pain can only end......when the world......itself ends.
I go next to her and get a real good look at her face.

I go next to her and get a real good look at her face

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Seth *mind*- Yep. Lucy was spot on. Things have gotten a whole lot worse.
Indigo: That's the end of the one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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