Chapter 193

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Seth (POV)
Midnight- Alighieri.
He blasts a torrent of magic at me and I take full impact of it. It does very little as I easily tank it and brush it off like nothing.
Midnight- Typical. You're a nuisance Alighieri. I will destroy you. And just so you understand before I do, this celestial wizard whose life you're desperately trying to save, she's already gone. A lost cause. She could survive a century long slumber. But she'll actually become one with the clock and lose herself entirely. Her mind and body merging with the clock itself. At that point she will fade from the memories of those who claimed to love her so dearly. Her very existence will be completely erased from this world.
I notice Imitatia get wide eyed.
Imitatia- No. What are you saying? Is that true? She can't. She's supposed to stay with me forever.
Midnight- But you don't understand, that can still happen. She is simply going to change her form to one that's more suited to our needs. You can still be with her. In fact, she'll be the perfect companion for someone as empty as you.
Imitatia- No.............No!
Imitatia loses her will to fight and drops her sword much to Akuma's disappointment
Akuma- Damn. And just when the getting was good.
Imitatia- My deepest wish. My one true prayer. THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANTED!!!
She lobs her shield into the top of the staircase leading to Lucy and uses her vine like a zip line.
Imitatia- Sister!!
Akuma goes to follow but I put my arm out in front of him to hold him back.
Coco- What are you doing?!
Happy- Stay away from her!!
Imitatia knocks Coco and Happy out the way and turns to Lucy.
Imitatia- Sister!!! Please!!!
She bashes her shield repeatedly into the crystal like substance encasing Lucy.
Imitatia- Please forgive me! I'm so sorry! Please!
Klodoa- Well this is an unfortunate turn of events.
Midnight- How pathetic. Imitatia you are no longer useful to me. Back to the trash heap.
Seth (Blue Devil)- Don't you dare!
To late as a flicker of green light and Imitatia is surrounded by a green aura. Tears flood down her face as she falls to the base of the staircase.
Imitatia- Sister.....
She's completely enveloped in a glow and once it disappears, she's gone and only a doll flops to the ground.

She's completely enveloped in a glow and once it disappears, she's gone and only a doll flops to the ground

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I look back up to see Lucy with tears streaming down her face. I'm brought back to the situation at hand as Midnight stomps on the doll once known as
Midnight- Filthy. Little piece of garbage. Utter shit beneath my bo-
He doesn't finish as a blast of blue hellfire nails him and sends him crashing into the walls. I walk over to the doll, blue hellfire aura radiating off me. I pick it up and cradle in my arms.
Seth (Blue Devil)- Even you too were a victim. All you wanted was to be with your big sister and be happy.
My eyes coldly glances to Midnight who's getting himself up.
Seth (Blue Devil)- Do you really think that other people's suffering is something to laugh at? That it's all one big fucking joke?.........You haven't learned a damn thing since you escaped the tower as a child. And apparently I didn't do a good enough job in teaching you the error of your ways seven years ago. I apologize. This time (pops neck) I'll make sure that you understand the lesson by beating you mercilessly into the ground and I won't stop until it's engrained into that thick headed skull of yours.
My eyes go completely blue and my skin becomes entirely black

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