Chapter 32

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Seth (POV)
Erza- Why don't you tell me what your real goal is Jellal? You and I both know that the R System hasn't been completed. Do you know what I've been doing since I left this place years ago?
Seth- She's been doing research. Even though this tower is constructed like the blueprints say, you're still missing a little something important.
Jellal- That's not true because both of your sacrifices will complete it.
Seth- Nah.
Erza- It's something even more basic than that. Magic energy. I don't think you know how much magic energy you'd have to accumulate just to activate the R System. You could gather every single wizard on this continent. You'd still wouldn't have enough power to pull it off.
Seth- And that's saying something.
Erza- This tower doesn't have to capacity to store that much magic within its walls, and you certainly can't do it on your own.
Seth- Question. Why haven't you escaped even though the council is about to obliterate this place? Very suspicious.
Jellal- Only three more minutes until the etherion fires.
Erza- Answer the Damn question! You know your dream will never come true so why are you willing to risk your life? Do you want to die?!
Seth- If so, I can happily oblige.
Erza- No. We'll go together. I'll hold you down and I won't let go till the bitter end.
Seth- Wait a minute Erza. You don't gotta do this. We can still get out of here. He's been beaten.
Jellal- Her staying here with me doesn't sound so bad actually. I no longer have control over my own body and soul because I've been possessed by Zeref. I'm merely a puppet he's manipulating in order to become flesh again.
Erza- You were possessed by him?
Jellal- I wasn't able to save myself and not even my closest friends were there to come to my rescue. That's when I realized. There is no heaven, nor does true freedom really exist. All of creation was finished before it even began.
Seth- Enough of this nonsense! Erza, just stab him and let's go. I'm gonna let you die like this!
The building begins to rumble and shake.
Jellal- Deeo sown I knew the R System could never be completed. But Zeref kept pushing me. He forced me to continue the tower's construction. I wanted to stop but I couldn't. It's like I was a freight train with no brakes. I surrender. Go ahead and finish me. Isn't that why you kept looking for me?
Seth- Do it Erza! We may not get another chance!
She takes her blade off of him.
Erza- There's no need for me to spill your blood with my own hands. The satellite square is now focused and the etherion will fire any minute now. This means this is the end for both you, myself, and Seth.
She helps him up.
Jellal- It is a grim fate we share.
Erza- So all this time, you were just another one of Zeref's victims.
Jellal- It's my own fault. I let my weakness get the best of me. The rift between my dream and reality was too deep for my mind to comprehend.
Erza- The only people capable of saving you from your flaws and inner weakness are those you call your friends.
Jellal- That's true.
Erza- I apologize for not being able to save you back then. Can you forgive me?
Jellal- Erza, you have saved me.
He holds her face and they embrace. I think he kisses her too. For some reason this hurts a lot. More than any physical pain.
Seth *mind*- But I thought that maybe.......Who am I kidding? She never liked me that way and it'll never happen. I'm a dumbass.
Erza (POV)
I'm in Jellal's embrace and I look up only to see Seth standing over us. He has a look of sadness on his face.
Erza- Seth.....
Seth-Holy Dragon: Holy Shield.
He casts his Holy Shield and it surrounds all of us.
Erza- Seth what are you doing?
Erza- Seth!
Erza- Seth answer me!
Everything goes white but just before it does a single tear escapes his eye.
Author: That's the end of this chapter. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Poor Seth. Erza Why?!!!!! Anyway peace y'all

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