Chapter 93

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Mandy (POV)
We come inside, wash up. and she has us sit at her table. We tell her of what we've gone through.
Lady Exceed- You poor things. It's sounds like you've had a rough day.
She places a big plate of fish on the table.
Happy- Mr. Lucky, Ms. Marl, thanks for letting us hideout here for a little while.
Lucky- Gahhhhh!!! Use that mouth to chew instead of yappin!!!
Happy- (scared) Aye!
Carla- You're very kind.
Marl- Please excuse my husband. He doesn't exactly see eye to eye with the kingdom. He's so vocal about it, they kicked us out and we've been living in this little farm ever since.
Lucky- Gahhhh!!!! What you go and tell em that for?!
Marl- Oh no reason.
Happy- I get it. That's why you helped us escape.
Lucky- Believe what you want kid. You're gonna stay here, you're gonna work here kay?!!!
Happy- (scared) Aye. Yes sir.
After food, Happy and Lucky went out to the field while Carla and I holed out this fruit and made them into tiny pieces.
Marl- Wow you two are really skilled.
Carla- It's quite simple.
Mandy- We're done.
Marl- Thank you dearies.
We went upstairs to have some tea while Marl started to knit.
Marl- You two haven't smiled this whole time. I'm sure you two could brighten up the entire room. Are things really so bad that you can't crack a smile.
Carla- I'm not in a smiling mood is all.
Mandy- I have no reason to smile.
Marl- Something painful must've happened. It may seem bad now but you'll smile again.
Carla- I doubt it.
Mandy- Likewise.
Marl- You day that but trust me, it'll happen.
We head outside and sit on the porch to enjoy the breeze.
Marl- So Happy, Carla, and Mandy, you're not from here. Were you hatched in Earthland by any chance? Were you given your names by someone there?
Happy- Uh huh. By my friend Natsu.
Carla- I to was named by a friend.
Mandy- I was named by my best friend Seth.
Happy- But now they're being held captive in the Royal City below. We gotta save em. It's our fault they're there.
Marl- So you intend to rescue the humans?
Carla- That's why we're fallens. Caring about humans seems to be a bizarre concept here.
Marl- I don't think is bizarre at all. In fact it's wonderful. If someone is your friend, it shouldn't matter if it's human or Exceed. After all, even though we may look different on the outside, internally our hearts are the same shape. Love is the same no matter who you are.
Carla- I wished that applied to me. Regardless of the shape of my heart or the love it has to give, it's not under my control. Even right now, I don't know if the words I'm saying are mine or part of someone else's plan.
Happy- I know those are your words Carla.
Mandy- And what if they're not?! You heard what they said at the palace. It all makes sense as much as I don't want it to. Happy, we don't remember nothing. Carla was the only one of us to receive those orders from the Queen. Carla made us walk right into a ambush. Just because she did it unknowingly at the time doesn't negate the fact that she still did it. Because of her, I may never get to see my best friend again. He's not gonna want anything to do with me once I see him.
Carla-..........I'm so sorry Mandy.
Marl- I'm sure he's still gonna want to see you still Mandy.
Mandy- How can you be so sure?
Marl- Never give up hope. You're going to defeat the Royal Army and save your friends. And once you see Seth, the first thing he'll do is give you a big hug.
Mandy- You really think so?
Marl- I know so. I know it may seem that you and Carla lost your hearts but you've found it long ago. Now all you have to do is embrace it, believe in it, trust in your feelings of love, and trust one another.
Finally after what seems like ages, a smile is brought to my face and so does Carla.
Mandy- I'm sorry Carla. I shouldn't have been blaming you for everything. I just want Seth back is all.
Carla- No no no. I should apologize I'm the one who led us into a trap.
Mandy- Let's agree you disagree. Friends?
Carla- Friends.
Indigo: That's the end of this o-
Zack: Fuck that. I'm taking over. What's up good people. How are y'all doing? Good I hope. Okay so listen, I've got my own series with the people of  the RWBY world. I have six to be exact. Season 7 just of that RWBY series just dropped the first episode last week. Now that that is out, the first chapter Volume 7 of my series drops sometime tomorrow. So I'd advise to read through all six volumes if you haven't already and then go checkout the first chapter of Volume 7 tomorrow. Good? Got it? Good. That's all for me folks. Have a bless day. Zack Fullbuster out.

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