Chapter 95

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Mandy (POV)
We take off with Lucy in tow.
Lucy- You guys saved me. Thank you.
Wendy- I thought you would be angry.
Lucy- Why? About what?
Mandy- Because we were the ones who got you captured in the first place.
Lucy- But you made it up by rescuing me right happy?
Happy- I'm so sorry Lucy.
Lucy- Maybe it would've been a different story had you not come back to get me. But forget about that for now. I'm still shocked that Carla is a princess in this world.
Happy- I didn't know either.
Mandy- Hehe yeah that was a bluff.
LH- What?!
Carla- Regardless, we have to focus on the task at hand which is getting Wendy, Natsu, and Seth.
Mandy- She said they're in the basement of the west tower.
We slowly approach the wear tower.
Lucy- Hey what's that sound?
I turn around to see a bunch of Exceeds coming straight for us led by Nichiya.

Lucy- Hey what's that sound?I turn around to see a bunch of Exceeds coming straight for us led by Nichiya

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Nichiya- Surrender now fallen! Escape is futile.
Mandy- Eat my kitty liter!
Nichiya- Why men. Go!!
Carla- We're too exposed I the air like this. We have to go to the ground.
Happy- That's not such a good idea. They're all over the ground too.
Mandy- They are on the walls too. They have ya surrounded.
Carla- Lucy, can you use your celestial magic?
Lucy- I can't. Im pretty sure this sticky stuff is blocking my powers.
Horns go off and soldiers start shouting something about Code ETD
Carla- We better get inside now.
We head down to find a entrance into the tower but we look back up to see cannons had fired something and had the Exceed Royal Guard immobilized.

Carla- Why would they be firing on them like that?Lucy- What the heck is going on here? I thought the people in Edolas practically worshipped the Exceeds

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Carla- Why would they be firing on them like that?
Lucy- What the heck is going on here? I thought the people in Edolas practically worshipped the Exceeds. Is this some kind of rebellion?
Mandy- Don't know Don't care. Let's use this time to get Seth and the others.
We fly into an opening in the west tower.
Seth (POV)
I'm currently chained up on a stone next to Wendy and Natsu. Some creepy looking old guy named Byro is going to extract our magic.

 Some creepy looking old guy named Byro is going to extract our magic

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Byro- Now this will tickle a little bit. Your sacrifice will do a great deal to our kingdom.
Seth- Do your worst know what, I think dildo is a perfectly acceptable insult in this case. I was going to call you a dick but you're not real enough.
Play it here.
Byro- Why you! I'll start with you first since you have a smart mouth.
Mandy (POV)
We're running through narrow corridors making our way to our friends.
Happy- Things are getting worse by the minute.
Lucy- Who knew Edolas was close to starting a war with the Exceeds.
Carla- What they choose to do in none of our concern. We have no stake in the matter.
Mandy- They can kill each other as much as they want to for all I care.
We round another corner and run down another flight of stairs only to be stopped by Erza Knightwalker and a squad of Royal Army soldiers.
Knightwalker- This is as far as you'll be going.
Mandy- Oh come on lady don't you have anything better to do besides pester us? You're so annoying.
Her mace glows and blasts us away. We all begin to slowly stir after a minute.
Knightwalker- Impressive. You just took a direct hit from my magic and you're still alive. But not for much longer. You see, my order said nothing about taking you alive. So it seems there's only one option.
She walks over to us with weapon in hand.
Mandy- Oh please. Even I can hit harder than that. Here I'll show you.
I quickly get up and use my flight speed to hit Knightwalker right in the head. We both go smashing into the wall and her mace shoots her magic into floor creating a big hole. We all go falling through it. As I fall, Lucy grabs me and happy grabs her.
Lucy- Okay. Now to the others.
Seth (POV)
Byro is solely focusing on me as he extracts my magic. Wendy and Natsu scream at him to stop as I yell out in pain.
Seth- Ahhhhhh!!!!! It hurts!!!! Coi ouithic!!!!!
Wendy- Big brother no!!!!!
Natsu- Stop it leave him alone!!!
Byro stops.
Byro- My my. What a magnificent specimen you are.
Wendy- Big brother are you ok?
Seth- It's ok Wendy. Everything is going to be ok. We'll make through little sis. I promise.
Natsu- Yeah. Our friends will come for us.
Byro- So naive you three are. You're unwilling to face reality and know when you've been beaten. Is this bullheadedness apart of what it is to be a dragon slayer?
He activated his machine and begins to extract on me and I begin to yell in pain.
Natsu- Stop it!!!
Seth- You guys listen to me! You have to stay strong no matter what! You can't let these people break your spirit!
Wendy- (crying) I promise I won't.
Byro- Sounds like a challenge to me.
Seth- Listen here you creep. I've got enough magic to last this place a century! You focus on me and leave the others out of it! It's just you and me! But just so you know, huena si itrewic ekik di tenpiswo, I'm svadrir juroshog ekik tzarafar.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.
Coi ouithic- It hurts.
huena si itrewic ekik di tenpiswo, I'm svadrir juroshog ekik tzarafar- Once I get out of here, I'm ripping your throat out asshole

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