Chapter 60

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Erza (POV)
After the light faded I'd grabbed onto the side of this structure with my left hand and caught  Jellal with my right. I had told Jellal to catch Seth so hopefully he did.
Jellal- Erza....
I look down at him
Erza- You have to undo the magic seal this instant. You have a duty to stay alive.
I then notice that Seth wasn't below Jellal and it seems like my whole body just goes numb.
Erza- Jellal........where's Seth?

Jellal-......I failed. I wasn't able to stop Nirvana. As for Seth, he was barely out of my reach and I couldn't grab him. His corpse rests below us on the forest floor.
Everything goes cold and my strength begins to weaken.
Erza *mind*- Seth. My best friend. My world. My everything. Gone.
Images of us growing up together and playing around and being around each other flood my mind.
Flashback to the moment they became friends
Seth (kid)- From henceforth you and I are friends.
Erza- I would love that.
Flashback end.
Erza *mind*- His smile that day and the days that followed up till now brought me nothing but happiness even in my darkest times.
Jellal- Erza your hand!!
I snap out of it and realize that my grip to the structure is failing.
Erza- Shit!
My grip fails completely and we begin our descent to our deaths.
Right before we can fall, something catches my hand.
???- I got you. You're ok.
It was Seth and he pulls Jellal and I up solid ground. Once I'm up on the ground, I look directly at Seth and tackle hug him to the ground and I weep on his shoulder. He returns the embrace.
Seth- Hey c'mon. What's with the tears.
Erza- I died for real..... this time.
Seth- I would have had I not used magic in my hands and feet to boost me up to this platform.
Erza- I felt so empty knowing I couldn't save you and that you were gone for good.
Seth- Well hey, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I have a promise to keep. I have to live on with you remember?
Erza- (lifts head and wipes eyes) I do remember. Thank you for reminding me.
Seth- Don't mention it.
Seth (POV)
Erza and I just smile at each other as I stare at her and take in all of her beautifulness as the sunset rays bounce of her flowing hair and her gorgeous face. This makes her all the more enchanting.
Jellal- Ahem, if you two are done, the world as we know it is doomed.
We look at Jellal and he stares daggers at me. I pull Erza closer to me just to piss him off.
Erza- No. There's always hope. Look there.
We look down below on one of the legs of this structure and we see Natsu and everyone else running up it.
Erza- You see as long as we draw breath in our lungs, we shall keep hope alive inside of our hearts. And that hope will guide you throughout your life. So live.
Seth *mind*- Always one with the powerful speeches. Gotta thank the Master on that one. He taught her well.
Jellal- I will now let's go.
Erza- Yes.
I let go of Erza and she gets off of me and helps Jellal up to his feet while I stand up on my own. They stare into each other's eyes while maintaining that hand holding. It irks the shit out of me.
Seth *mind*- I swear Jellal, I will prove you wrong. You will not win.
The legs start to move as the structure begins walking as it makes its way across the forest going who knows where. By the time night falls, we make inside the Nirvana city ruins. Explosions and blasts is all that's happening.
Seth- Sounds like little bro's doing.
Erza- Well you know Natsu. He was never one with keeping destruction to a minimum. I wonder where he got that from hmmm.
Seth- Oh shut up. I just hope whoever he's fighting is getting a beating of a lifetime.
Erza- (chuckles) I hope so too.
Minutes pass by as we walk throughout the ruins until we hear a scream that sounds like Natsu that quickly goes inhuman.
Seth- That sound. That's the roar of a dragon! You kick his ass Natsu!!!
We're still walking throughout the ruins when suddenly my caliber of explosions goes around the central building.
Erza- What was that explosion?
Jellal- It was near the throne.
???- Father can be so selfish sometimes. He took a big bite out of my fun and left my with measly scraps. Now since you're the last of my prey, at least make it entertaining for me.
We turn around to see Midnight walking towards us.

 We turn around to see Midnight walking towards us

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Seth- Well well well. Look who decided to wake up. I'd be more than welcome beat your ass into the ground.
Jellal steps in front of me and stops my advancement.
Jellal- No. He's mine.
Erza- Jellal you can't.
Seth- Yeah dude. I already called dibs.
Erza- You can't either Seth.
Seth- Why not? I've hardly fought since starting this mission. I want a piece of the action.
Erza- (stern and scary) Quiet down Seth.
Seth- (scared) Yes ma'am.
Jellal fires of a magic blast and it goes around midnight.
Jellal- How could I miss him at such close range?
Seth- Well you see pal, that doesn't really work on him I don't think. My magic attacks did the exact same thing when this fool was sleeping.
Jellal steps forward.
Erza- Please stop this right now. You're in no condition to fight him. Let me do it.
He points his hand back at Erza looking like he was about to blast her but I get in the way.
Seth- Do it. I dare you. Give me even more reasons to kill your bitch ass.
Midnight- Well, I'm waiting.
Seth- Shut the fuck up emo kid. You'll wait your turn.
Jellal- I'm not gonna hurt her. I simply signaling for her to stay back. Let's fight this guy together.
Seth- Uh huh sure. Like I'd believe that. I'm gonna fight this dude with you but I'm gonna keep a close eye on you Jellal.
We eye down Midnight who's smirking.
Jellal- You ready?
Seth- Yeah. Let's do this.
Indigo: That's the end of this chapter. Hopefully you guys enjoyed. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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