Chapter 164

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Akuma (POV)
I think I've completely given up on this situation. Here I thought this was actually gonna be a fight for the clock piece but now, it's turned into nothing but a freak show as giant Happy is flying around the place without a care in the world.
Natsu- Stop flying around Happy!
Happy (giant) If I get back on the ground, I'm afraid I'm gonna squish somebody.
Happy unintentionally starts destroying more of the ruins due to his size.
Coco- I know these are just ruins, but they're apart of Fiore's history! We can't afford to ruin them any further!
Romeo- I'm more afraid of these rocks ruining my skull!
Dan- Alright you overgrown flea blag.
Dan leaps at Happy and uses his magic to make him normal size again.
Michelle- Everyone is finally back to regular size.
Lucy- We gotta find that missing clock piece.
Happy- (anime crying) I hated being a monster.
Romeo- How are we even going to find this stupid thing if we don't even know where to start looking?
Lucy- Don't worry. I brought the book along with me to help us figure this out. I have no doubt that it'll point us in the right direction at least.
Coco- If we get our hands on that book, we could find the piece in no time. So hand it over blonde!
We turn to see Coco dashing to us from the roof of one of the buildings.
Romeo- Get back!
He shoots fire in her direction and we take off running.
Dan- You can't run from us!
Akuma- Who says I'm running?
Nastu- Exactly. I'm staying right here. Cause I still owe you a serious butt kicking.
Lucy- Thanks for holding him off you guys!
Happy- Just try not to let him step on you again!
Tsukiko- Akuma, end it quickly! We all know how you get! Natsu, watch him!
Coco goes after the others.
Akuma *mind*- As much as I enjoyed throwing down with her, Tsukiko can handle her with ease. My target, Dan.
Dan- If you stand in my way, be prepared to pay the ultimate price.
Fire blazes from Natsu's fists.
Natsu- I'm ready to settle the score once and for all!
I release my Blood Dragon Slayer Magic and it surrounds me in an aura.

Natsu- I'm ready to settle the score once and for all! I release my Blood Dragon Slayer Magic and it surrounds me in an aura

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Akuma- Now then, how would you like to die?
Tsukiko (POV)
Coco is gaining up on us.
Coco- I've got you now!
Romeo- Oh no you don't!
He shoots his fire back but Coco runs alongside a wall to avoid it and continues to gradually gain on us.
Michelle- So where's the piece? Have you figured it out yet?
Lucy- I'm still looking Uhhh....
Tsukiko- Look out in front of you.
It's too late as she rams face first into a statue.

The statue's eyes light up and the ground beneath us begins to quake

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The statue's eyes light up and the ground beneath us begins to quake. The ground opens up underneath us and we go falling in. Coco falls in after us but luckily, we all grab onto something on the wall.
Coco- Aw man. I guess I ran out of magic power.
Tsukiko- Her grip is loosening.
Lucy- Here hold this.
She gives the book to Michelle and reaches out to Coco.
Lucy- Grab my hand.
Coco- I can't accept an enemy's mercy.
Tsukiko- Just grab her hand child and quit being difficult.
The ledge beneath Lucy, Coco, and myself give way and we three fall the rest of the way down the hole.
Tsukiko- Aw damn. That one hurts.
Michelle- Oh no Lucy! Tsukiko! Are you okay?!
Lucy- We're still alive at least!
Romeo- Hang on! We're coming down there to help you!
Tsukiko- Ugh don't! Don't worry about us! Just find that clock piece! We'll meet up with you once you've acquired it then we'll get the hell out of here.
Michelle- We'll find it you guys but please be careful!
Lucy- Yeah you too!
Coco- Owie.
Tsukiko- Are you hurt child?
Coco- You two get away from me! In case you haven't noticed, your so called help is what got us stuck down here in the first place!
Lucy- You better watch your mouth little girl unless you want end in a place a whole lot worse!
Coco- I can't think of any place worse than being trapped down here with you two!
Lucy- What is with the attitude? You know I met someone who looks and talks just like you; except she wasn't such a brat!
Coco- (sarcastic) Wow. Such a great story. Obviously that wasn't me so get over it.
Coco begins to lead the way to somewhere but here.
Tsukiko- Calm yourself Lucy. Don't let her get you too worked up. Let's follow her for now and try to see if we can find a way out of here. It's the best we've got in this point in time.
Lucy- I guess you're right. C'mon let's get going.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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