Chapter 58

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Erza (POV)
It was now around sunset and I had arrived at the source of the light. I never ran into Seth along the way which has me even more worried about. I walking around with my arms up to try and block out clouds of dirt and dust. Once it clears a bit, I see him. I see Jellal. He turns around and just stares at me with an expressionless look.
Erza- Jellal.......
Erza- Now tell me, how did you end up here?
Jellal- I can't answer that. Erza........who is...that? I have no memory and yet I remember that name. (Clutches face in fear) I don't know who I am or where I came from. Can you tell me? Do you know? At least tell me who Erza is. Please if you know you have to tell me.
A bit of tears well up in my eyes.
Erza *mind*- He doesn't remember me.
Erza- Oh Jellal.....
I walk towards him with conviction.
Erza- Jellal.
Jellal- (scared) Stay back!
He fires his magic at me and I tank the hit.
Erza- Alright then. You come to me! I'm the person you're looking for! I am Erza! And you are Jellal. There was a time when we were close friends.
Jellal- (gasps) We were?
Erza- Yes. And that was before you became deranged. Desecrated the dead. Hurt my friends. Destroyed the magic council. And killed Simon! If you try....If you even dare forget the pain you've caused, I'll take my sword to your heart and engrave it there!! Now come to me and face your atonement!
Jellal- (crying) I did that to my comrades? What have I done? Please no. Tell me it's not true. Tell me how I can make amends.
Suddenly, a blast of magic hits Jellal and there's a small explosion. There's footsteps coming from the darkness. A familiar sight befalls me. It was Seth and was wearing a different outfit and his eyes were glowing red while his hair blew in the wind.

 It was Seth and was wearing a different outfit and his eyes were glowing red while his hair blew in the wind

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Seth- You could start by dying you fucking bastard

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Seth- You could start by dying you fucking bastard.
Erza- Seth......
Seth- Don't worry Erza. I'll make this quick. He starts walking to a downed Jellal.
Erza- Wait a minute Seth. Don't kill him just yet.
He doesn't listen and he raises his arm and his Death God Slayer magic charges up. He fires a blast at Jellal but I get in the way and redirect his blast with a quickly summoned sword.
Erza- I said wait.
He lowers his arm but still stares me down.
???- Well well well. Isn't this interesting.
That voice was Cobra's and he comes from the darkness with his snake.
Cobra- That explains why I couldn't hear Jellal's thoughts. The fool lost his memory. But now I got a whole slew of questions for y'all to answer.
Erza- I should've known we were being watched.
Cobra- I would like to know how you found nirvana Jellal but even more, I wanna know how you broke its seal.
Jellal- (standing up) While I was unconscious, I heard a voice. I must have nirvana it would say. It's strange but when I woke up, I knew precisely where to find it. Somehow I could also sense how incredibly dangerous and powerful it is. And so, I decided to break Nirvana's seal to obliterate it.
Seth- Wow. You're doing something good for once. Lowkey shocked.
Erza- How do you plan on destroying something like that?
Jellal- I've rigged this monstrosity with a self destruction circle. It's only a matter of time before Nirvana clutches itself .
Purple and red enchantments form and spread across the light.

Cobra runs to the light and tries to type some stuff on the enchantment to deactivate it

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Cobra runs to the light and tries to type some stuff on the enchantment to deactivate it.
Cobra- Argh. I've never seen a magic circle of this complexity. If I can't find a way to stop this, we'll lose everything. Spill it Jellal. Tell me how to to disarm it or I'll beat it out of ya!
Indigo: Activate sad music.

Jellal- (clutches chest) Erza. Whenever I hear that name a sense of calmness washes over me. (Cough) Cheerfulness, kindness, fierce unwavering loyalty. I have no doubt you'll continue to despise me. Believe me I don't blame you. I would probably feel the same. And you Seth Alighieri, I remember your name and face. I don't blame you that you hate me too. I caused you pain as well. Erza, if I truly am your friend, then I can't allow for that hatred to keep robbing you of your freedom.
He grunts in pain and coughs a bit.
Erza- But....what are you saying?
He moves his hand from his chest to reveal enchantment markings on him.

what are you saying? He moves his hand from his chest to reveal enchantment markings on him

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Jellal- I'm sorry you two suffered because of me. I'll do everything I can to make it right.
Cobra- You didn't.
Jellal falls back into the light.
Jellal- Be free Erza. From your hatred. Escape your past. I will take your pain and your sadness. All of it. They cannot shackle you.
Cobra- I can't believe he's gonna go through with it. He's seriously gonna sacrifice himself.
Seth- I hate saying this but I don't blame him. I would've done the same thing in his situation.
Jellal- Farewell Erza.
As if on cue, I snap out of my shocked state and run to him before he dies.
Erza- Jellal!!!!!!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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