Chapter 3

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Sora (POV)
I was enjoying a nice cup of soda at the bar. Natsu and Lucy asked me if I wanted to come with them on a job but I had politely declined. That was hours ago and they already came back. Mira is in charge for the time being since Makarov is away on a guild master's meeting. Suddenly Loki bursts through the door.
Loki- We got bad news!! It's Erza! She's in her way here!!
The guild goes into a frenzy whereas I just smirk. It even got Natsu and Grey to stop fighting for a bit. Heavy footsteps makes it way here. Soon Erza comes in wya massive horn.

 Soon Erza comes in wya massive horn

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Erza- I have returned. Where is master Makarov?
Lucy- Wow she's pretty.
Sora- I forgot, you never met Erza before.
Mira- Welcome back Erza. The master's at a conference right now.
Erza- I see.
Guild member 1- So um, what's that humongous thing you got there?
Erza- It's the horn of a monster I defeated. The locals were so thankful, they decorated it and gave it to me as a souvenir. Do you have a problem with it?
Guild member 1- No, not at all!
Cana- I bet she's heard about what happened at  mount Hakabe.
Macao- You think so? Aw man I'm a goner.
Lucy- She's not anything like I imagined.
Erza- Now listen up. While I was on the road, I heard a few things. Word is fairy tail is causing nothing but trouble as of late. Master Makarov may not care but I most certainly do. Cana, you need to start controlling your drinking. Vijeeter, please take your dancing outside. Wakaba, get rid of that filthy habit. Nab, I suspected I would find you dawdling in front of the request board. Just pick a job! Macao....(sighs)
Macao- Please just say something!
Erza- I don't even know where to begin with you. You cause so much trouble. I've almost given up.
Lucy- She's really tearing into everyone. It's like she's taking over.
Mandy - That's Erza for ya.
Seth- She's always been that way.
Lucy- Even if she is kinda bossy she's still saner than anyone else here. I don't understand why everyone is so afraid of her.
Erza- Are Natsu and Grey here?
Happy- Aye.
Natsu and Grey were acting all buddy buddy.
Grey- Oh hey there Erza. We're just hanging out like good friends tend to do.
Natsu- Aye!
Lucy- Why is Natsu talking like Happy?!
Erza- That's great. I'm quite pleased to see you two getting along so well. However, it's only natural for even the best of friends to lock horns every now and again.
Grey- I don't know if we're the best of friends.
Natsu- Aye.
Lucy- What's gotten into Natsu?!
Mira- He's scared. A few years ago he challenged Erza to a fight and she beat him up pretty bad.
Lucy- That was a pretty stupid thing to do.
Macao- After that, she found Grey walking around naked so she decided to beat him up too.
Erza- Seth!!
The guild goes quite. I get up from my stool and walk to Ezra. I stand before her and get in her face.
Lucy- Oh my god what is she going to do to him?
She pulls me into a hug and I return it.
Seth- I missed you too. Welcome home.
The guild is in shock.
Lucy- What just happened?
Mira- You see, Erza and Seth are as close as close can be. Seth was the first person Erza ever opened up to. The same can be said for Seth. They've been really close ever since. They really care for each other.
Erza and I hold the embrace a little longer until we had to let go. She smiles at me and I smile back.
Erza- I heard what you and Natsu did in Hargeon. Did you really have to hurt the fool that bad and destroy the port?
Seth- I only used one finger and a percent of my power. Plus he was a rapist anyway. He deserved it anyway. The port was my bad. I'll take the fault on that one.
Erza just chuckles.
Macao- Hey! How come he gets off easy?!
Erza- Shut it Macao! Anyway Natsu, Grey and Seth. I need you to do me a favor. While I was traveling, I overheard something that has me worried. Normally, I would consult with the master before acting but he's not here and this is a matter of the utmost urgency. The three of you are the strongest wizards here. I could really use your help.
The guild begins to murmur in shock.
Erza- We'll meet at the train station tomorrow morning.
Mira- Erza, Natsu, Grey, and Seth working together? I never saw that one coming. This could be the most powerful team  fairy tail's ever seen.
Lucy- Ok, I get Natsu and Grey but why Seth? I know he's strong and all...
Mira- Oh you didn't know? Seth is an S-Class wizard. He's in the conversation with the strongest wizard in fairy tail along side Laxus and Mystogan. Just don't make him really mad. He has the power to destroy fiore if he wanted to and the scary part is that he's still getting stronger and more powerful.
Lucy- What?!!!! He's That strong?!!!!
Seth- Alright I'm headed home.
Erza- Can I tag along?
Seth- Sure. Gives a chance to catch up.
We leave to guild and head to my apartment.
Seth- So how have you been?
Erza- Pretty good. You?
Seth- I'm good. Can't complain.
Erza- So besides blowing up Hargeon, What have you been up to?
Seth- (chuckles) Well I saved Macao. Besides that, nothing particularly interesting.
Erza- Have gotten any clues on where Serena or Orion are?
Seth- Unfortunately no but I won't give up. I'm too stubborn.
She places her hand in my shoulder.
Erza- We'll find them I promise.
Seth-Thanks Erza. You're the best.
Soon we get to my apartment and go up to my room.

Erza- It feels so good to be back in your place

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Erza- It feels so good to be back in your place. Y'know the dorms fairy hills isn't this nice.
Seth- It's nice and thankfully I can afford the rent.
I could see the sun starting to set from the window.
Seth- You know what? I about I change into some comfy clothes and I'll cook us dinner.
Erza- That's sounds splendid. I love your cooking.
Seth- Alright. I'll be back in a minute. Make yourself comfortable.
I go to my room and change into a loose shirt and some basketball shorts and socks. I go back to the living room and I see Erza changed into a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants. I go to the kitchen and make us dinner. The night was filled with talking, laughing, and joking. I began to get pretty late.
Erza- I know it's pretty late so can I stay with you for the night?
Seth- Yeah sure. I don't mind. However I do only have one bed. So you can have it and I'll sleep on the couch.
Erza- You don't have to sleep on the couch. I don't mind sharing a bed with you.
My eyes go wide and my feel my cheeks heat up. Erza realized what she said and her cheeks go red.
Erza- Not in that way!
Seth- Ok. Whatever you say.
We head to my room and get in the bed.

Just before I was about to sleep, Erza gets closer to me and wraps her arms around me like we're cuddling

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Just before I was about to sleep, Erza gets closer to me and wraps her arms around me like we're cuddling. I don't mind it and we both fall asleep.
Author: Well that's the end of this one. I already planted the seeds for the romance angle between Erza and Seth. Right now they're just really super close best friends. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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