Chapter 141

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Seth (POV)
We're out on a cliff base overlooking some forest.
Grey- They flier said that these bandits are so ruthless, the victims suffer from night terrors after the attacks.
Natsu- They sound nasty.
Akuma- They sound like they could give us a fun fight. This is exciting.
Grey- Even Royal soldiers who went in the mountains to look for these creeps came back sobbing like bunch of babies.
Lucy- I'm having second thoughts about this entire thing.
Michelle- I brought snacks if you're hungry.
Lucy- She's just like Natsu and Akuma. Totally clueless.
Michelle- I can't believe you're dependent on by Royal soldiers.
Lucy- Dependent on is a bit much.
Erza and Tsukiko come by with a hog drawn wagon.
Erza- The client gave us this to use.
Natsu- (whisper) Let's just hope she's not driving.
Seth- (whisper) I mean........yeah you're right.
Erza- Tsukiko and I have this all figured out. First we'll temp the bandits into robbing us. Lucy and I will ride in the front seat posing as a pair of helpless women.
Tsukiko- While that's going on, myself, Grey, Natsu, Seth, Akuma, and Michelle will hide in the wagon so that we can spring the trap.
Erza- Once we're surrounded, Lucy and I will distract as many of the fools as we can with our feminine charm if you will. While that's going on, all that are in the back will bust out and dispatch in the back and then come join us in a-
Natsu- If you think I'm setting foot in that wagon you're out of your mind.
Seth- And I don't like the fact that some nasty ass dudes are gonna be gawking at you and wanting to touch you. Hell to the no!
Erza- You two object to my plan do you? Natsu that's a gutsy move. And Seth, you're too sweet getting all worked up over me. Don't worry Seth dear, I'll be fine. Now Natsu-
Natsu- You can beat me all you want, I ain't going!
Michelle- What's wrong with him?
Lucy- Natsu has a problem with anything on wheels.
Akuma- I don't blame him. I get motion sick from time to time.
Michelle- That's surprising.
Grey- It's so hot out here.
Akuma- Yeah we should strip don't you think?
Lucy- Don't you dare! Akuma you're already shirtless the majority of the time! No one wants to see what's below.
Akuma- Pssh hater.
Michelle- If you need someone else up front, I'm a fairly capable driver.
Natsu- That's fine by me if you don't mind being bait.
Seth- I like that. Let's go with that. Switch with Erza.
Happy- Are you sure?
Mandy- It'll be dangerous.
Michelle- I know but it makes more sense to have all the fighters in the back doesn't it? If it would better our chances, I'll gladly take the reigns.
Lucy- I don't know about this.
Erza- Hmmmm. Let's do it.
We all pack into the back of the wagon while Lucy and Michelle take the seats up front and we set off into the forest below. Natsu uses happy to fly instead so that we wouldn't get motion sick. Everything goes smooth until the wagon comes to a stop. We hear the bandits surrounding the wagon.
Erza- Prepare yourselves.
Grey- Right.
Seth- Don't gotta tell me twice.
Akuma- (pops knuckles) It's ass kicking time.
Tsukiko- Just try not to kill anyone.
The bandits open up the rear of the wagon and I'm the first to bust out and take the group out.
Seth- Sorry fellas but the only thing in this wagon is cans of whoop ass and it looks like you just opened a few.
Akuma- Hey no fair. I want beat them up too.
Bandits- Oh my god they're gorgeous!
The lung at Akuma and I with stars in their eyes.
Seth- Aw hell nah! I'm not in to man meat!
Akuma- Stay away!
Erza gets in the way of the bandits and myself and kicks them all into the sky. Tsukiko gets in front of Akuma.
Tsukiko- Celestial Dragon: Universal Push.
At first there was silence, then it was like a tornado was coming this way as the sound of the ground in everything in Tsukiko's getting blown back and torn apart. The end result was amazing.

 The end result was amazing

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