Chapter 12

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Seth (POV)
We arrived on Galuna island just as the night was slowly giving way to day.
Erza- Alright. Let's begin our search.
Seth- Right.
We hear scream come from further down the beach.
Seth- That sounded like Lucy. C'mon let's go!
We run down the beach only to see a giant blue rat jumping off the rocky cliffside about to squash Lucy.
Seth- I got this.
I quickly dash to where Lucy is and punch the rat out of the air with my holy dragon magic. It lands next to some girl and Erza comes to my position.
Lucy- Erza! Seth!
We both give her a death glare.
Her face goes to one of terror.
Erza- Lucy. I assume you know why we're here. You do don't you?
Lucy- To...take us...back? Promise you won't hurt me?
Happy- Hey! I was looking all over for you. I was worr——
Seth- (sadistic) Oh hi Happy ol buddy.
He flies away.
Seth- Go get em Mandy.
Mandy- On it.
She flies after him and brings him back within a couple seconds. Erza grabs Happy and holds him by his tail.
Seth- Thank you Mandy.
Mandy- Mhmm.
Erza- Now where is Natsu?
Lucy- Listen, I'm sorry we came here without permission but some really awful things have been happening on this island. There's this guy and his minions who're trying to revive a frozen demon. And the island's villagers are suffering because of this magic spell they're using. They've turned into monsters. We just thought that if we worked together, we might be able to help them.
Erza and I give emotionless stares.
Erza- None of that is our concern.
Lucy- Please Erza! Please Seth! Let us finish this job! We can't leave things this way!
Erza conjures a sword and points it right at Lucy's neck while I activate my Death God Slayer magic in my hands.
Seth- I don't think you understand. The three of you betrayed Master Makarov. You'll be lucky if you walk away with your lives.
It's officially morning and we are in a tent where the villagers were. We tied Lucy and happy up and we await for Grey and Natsu. Erza was sitting in the chair while I stood at her side. After awhile, the tent flap opened and a bandaged Grey entered.
Erza- (serious and cold) You made us wait. Not smart.
Grey- Erza! Seth!
Seth (serious and cold)- Your time expired a day ago.
Grey- Why are they tied up?
Erza- Lucy's got us up to speed with everything that's happened. I thought you were sent here to stop Natsu and these two fools.
She gets up and walks towards Grey.
Erza- Needless to say, Seth and I are disappointed.
Grey- Where is he anyway?
Seth- That's something we'd all like to know.
Lucy- The last time I saw him, he was fighting against the cold emperor's lackeys. But when we went back to where the village was, there wasn't any sign of him. Wherever he is, I hope he's ok. Anyway, since we couldn't find him, Erza and Seth demanded we take them to you but I had no idea where you ended up.
Happy- So I did some scouting from the air and from there I could see that the villagers had moved into this storage area.
Erza- Ok. We're going to search for Natsu and then we're going back to the guild.
Grey- But we can't leave the island just yet. If Lucy filled you guys in, then you know exactly what these villagers are going through right now.
Erza- And what would be your point? Seth and I came here solely to apprehend these fools for breaking the rules of the guild. We're not interested in any other than that.
Grey- Rules?! Have you guys even seen whats happened to the people of this island?
Seth- We have.
Grey- And y'all still just gonna turn your back on em?
Erza- Their request is posted on the boards of every guild hall. The villagers would be better served by wizards who are cleared for S-Class. You're not qualified.
Grey- How can you guys be so heartless?
ES- What did you say?!
Happy- That's no way to speak to the great Erza or the or fairy tail's strongest wizard!
Lucy- You suck up.
Erza conjures a sword and I activate holy dragon slayer magic in my hands and put it right on Grey's injured shoulder.
Erza- Have you chosen to defy the guild's rules as well?
Seth- I think he is Erza.
Erza- You shall face the same punishment Grey.
He grabs the sword and my hand.
Grey- Both of you what you must. For me, there's no other choice to be made. I can't walk away from what I know is right.
He let's go of Erza's sword and pushes past her and leaves the tent but stops.
Grey- I'm seeing this through to the end and neither of you can stop me.
He leaves and we both death glare at Lucy and happy.
Lucy- Please don't get mad at us. We don't have any control over Grey!
Happy- He's not feeling like himself right now cause he lost a fight to his old friend.
I cut both of their ropes with my magic.
Erza- These events are intolerable. We'll deal with the immediate problems for now.
LH- Thank you!
Erza- This doesn't change anything. You're still gonna face punishment.
LH- Yes ma'am.
Seth- (Sigh) Lets just get this over with.
Author: And that's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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