Chapter 181

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Seth (POV)
Kinana passed out not too long ago and now everyone is observing the symbols she wrote on the wall.
Max- What does all this mean?
Wendy- Does anybody knows what the writing says? Big brother, can you read it.
Seth- Serena taught me the language of dragons but this ain't it. I can't tell what this is.
Tsukiko- Her mumblings strike me as particularly ominous.
Kinana mumbled again despite being out cold.
Kinana- Piece to the puzzle........and then we can open up the gates of hell.
Lucy- Do you think she's finally remembering something from her past.
Max- Maybe, now that you mention it. It seems like it was bothering her a lot lately.
Lucy- Before she came to Fairy Tail, Kinana was under some kind of curse.
Michelle- Poor thing.
Levy- (observes symbols more closely) Hey.....this is ancient Potamelian.
Wakaba- This stuff too?
Macao- Just like on the clock hand.
Freed- How strange. It appears to be a description of a man named Will Neville.
Lucy- Are you serious?
Erza- He's the author of "Key of the Starry Heavens".
Levy- Okay....this is a pretty rough translation. But it says, "Will Neville was once a great wizard who made contracts with many Celestial Spirits and was remarkably skilled in using them."
Happy- Contracts with Celestial Spirits?
Grey- So he was both an author and a Celestial Wizard. Interesting.
Freed- It goes on to say "In life, Will Neville had numerous followers. However, after he fell into his eternal slumber, his pupils scattered in all directions to places unknown."
Lucy pulls out a book.
Natsu- What's that for?
Lucy- I think it can help us. It's a biographical encyclopedia.
She scans the book till she comes across his name.
Lucy- Will Neville. An author.....and a cardinal of Zentopia?!
Akuma- A bird?
Seth- A Cardinal is a high ranking official in the church. Position below the Pope.
Lucy- According to this, he was a very dedicated and prominent member of the church. He was also the most extensive researcher on Zentopia's history. That is..until the day he suddenly left and went missing for quite a long time.
Evergreen- Does it explain why he left?
Lucy- No it doesn't but apparently several years after he disappeared, he re-emerged into the public eye as Will Neville, the author of children's literature. But there's no mention of him being a Celestial wizard in here or that he had any kind of following.
Max- This whole thing is freaking me out. I don't understand how Kinana would know stuff about him that's not in the encyclopedia.
Happy- And how in the heck does she know how to write stuff in that weird ancient language?
Carla- I remember the Captain of the Legion Platoon said that the Infinity Clock was property of Zentopia.
Michelle- And a prominent former member of that church also wrote "Key of the Starry Heavens." The book your father used to pass on his message about how to find the clock pieces.
Natsu- I can't stand it anymore! What in the heck are we gonna do about all of this crap?! I say we head out right now, find this Milk Devil guy, and beat the ever lovin snot out of him!
Akuma- I'm with Natsu on this one. But I just want to fight the Oracion Seis.
Grey- One, Will Neville has been dead for a long time! Two, we can't fight the Oracion Seis without a game plan! Leave the thinking to the grownups will ya?!
Akuma, Natsu, and Grey brawl unsurprisingly.
Max- If we can somehow figure out where the Oracion Seis was going to strike next, we could be waiting for there to ambush them.
Cana wakes up from behind the bar and offers to help us find the Oracion Seis.
Erza- That's right. You have fortunetelling.
With a map, Cana is able to locate all of the Oracion Seis with her cards.
Cana- If we send these teams to these locations, we can stop the attacks and save some lives.
Natsu- Cool. So tell us who's working with who and where we're going.
Macao- (takes the cards) Well without further ado, the first is a two man team composed of Grey and Freed.
Freed- How interesting. I've often wondered if our might complement each other.
Grey- Gotta admit, wondered that myself. Your enchantments and my Ice Make Magic could be a pretty awesome combination.
Macao- Next up, another two man group consisting of Erza and Evergreen.
I almost laugh out loud as the names were called.
Seth- Let's just hope those two get along for once.
Macao- Oh and you too Max.
Max- I'm on their team?!
I cringe.
Seth- I feel sorry for you bud.
Macao- Next team is Gajeel and Juvia.
Levy- Both ex-Phantom Lord members working together?
Juvia- Oh no! Why must I and my darling Grey be kept apart yet again?! Why must fate continue to be so cruel to us?!
Macao- Next up, Bixlow and Wendy.
Bixlow- Alrighty little lady. This is going to be a real blast! I am psyched!
Wendy looks up at me with a bit of nervousness.
Seth- (whispers) You'll be fine. Trust me.
She nods in approval.
Macao- Next time has got Happy, Carla, Pantherlily, and Mandy.
Happy- Aye! The Exceed Squad back together again.
Carla- Aside from Lily, I don't think we'll fare well against such a powerful enemy.
Macao- Last team is Natsu, Lucy, Elfman, Michelle, Akuma, Tsukiko, and Seth.
Lucy- That's a lot of people for one team.
Cana- According to my magic, that's the best matchup. You guys may be going up against a very very powerful enemy if six of you including four Dragon Slayers are needed. Be careful.
Seth- Will do.
Before we head out, Erza stops me and hugs me tightly.
Erza- Be safe out there. Don't need you getting hurt.
Seth- That's going to be impossible especially if our opponent is Midnight. Doesn't matter who it is. They're going down and we'll save the world yet again.
Erza- (chuckles) Damn right we are.
Seth- Question?
Erza- Answer?
Seth- I managed to scrape together enough money to get an apartment in town. It's three bedroom, two bathrooms. Wendy and I are moving in but there's a third room so I was wondering.
Erza- Yes!!! Of course I'll move in with you!!! I've always wanted too!!!
Seth- Man, you didn't even let me finish to properly ask you but I guess I know the answer. After all of this Oracion Seis stuff is over, we'll be ready to move in.
Erza- Okay. I can't wait. (Caresses my cheek) Thank you my little Dragon Slayer.
I feel my cheeks get hot as I look on at her beauty. Max calls over Erza so they can head out.
Seth- See you in a bit Scarlet Rose.
It's Erza's turn for her cheeks to go red and I leave her like that and leave with my team.
We head to our designated location and low and behold, we have two people to deal with.

We head to our designated location and low and behold, we have two people to deal with

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Seth- Well damn. We got the walking slot machine and Santa Claus off of Wish. (Pops neck) At least they'll provide us a little bit of fun.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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