Chapter 30

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Seth (POV)
I hear countless booms and bangs ring throughout tower as I run through corridor after corridor trying to find my way to the top.
Seth *mind*- Hopefully that's our guys kicking the enemies butt.
I make it to this one room where they're are a bunch of Sakura trees.
Seth- This sure looks like something straight out of Japan.
I hear someone coming to me from ahead and this woman appears.

I hear someone coming to me from ahead and this woman appears

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Woman- Konnichi wa. I am the one they call Ikaruga. Who might you be?
Seth- I am Seth Alighieri and lady, you got sick serious skill if you're not breaking your ankles wearing those high heels.
Ikaruga- (chuckles) They can be bothersome at times.
I hear footsteps come from behind me and turn around to see Sho approaching.
Seth- You!
Sho- Wait, before you attack, I'm on your side now.
Erza (card)- Is that Seth? Let me out so I can see him.
Seth- Erza? Where are you?
Sho- I have her safe in a card. We can't focus on her right now. We have to focus on that lady behind you. She's working for Jellal.
Seth- I see.
Sho uses his magic to send cards at Ikaruga but she slices them within seconds.
Sho- How'd you do that?
Ikaruga- My katana is able to cut through anything with extreme precision.
Sho- Well that sword of yours won't scare me.
He gets hit with an attack so fast, I couldn't see it.
Sho- I- I can't move.
He goes down to his knees.
Ikaruga- I just severed your nerves without cutting your clothing or flesh. Don't challenge my mugestsu style.
I pick up the Erza card.
Erza- Let me out of here Seth.
Seth- I did know how.
Ikaruga- It's about time I finish you off god Slayer.
Seth *mind*- Crap. I'm still really hurt.
Erza- You gotta release me Sho. I have to help Seth.
Sho- Don't worry about him. All that matters is that you're safe. I cast a shielding spell in that card. She can't harm you from the outside.
Ikaruga- Is that so? Let's test that theory shall we?
Seth- Oh no you don't.
I put the card in my ripped dress pants and charge my Holy Dragon Slayer magic. I charge at her and leave into the air.
Seth- Holy Dragon Roar!!
She gets hit some but she blocks most of it.
Ikaruga- Impressive but....
She slashes me many times before I could tell what was going on.
Seth- .....Damn......
I fall to my hands and knees then there's a yellow light. Erza card got cut out of my pocket and now she's free.
Erza- I knew Sho's seal would weaken. It allowed me to cut right through to freedom.
Seth- Erza.....
I slowly rise to my feet and she helps me up.
Erza- My god, what did they do to you?
Seth- What didn't they do to me?It seems like half of the time you see me, I'm always busted up (spits blood)
Erza- That's ok. I'll make them pay for hurting you.
Seth- No....I'm fine. Gotta fight Jellal. Must protect you.
Ikaruga- Sorry but neither of you are getting Jellal.
Erza- You said your name's Ikaruga? I didn't come for you so begone.
Ikaruga-....No. I'll think I'll stay.
Seth- Crap! Erza get down!
I get in her way and take the slashes to the back.
Erza- Seth you.....
Ikaruga- For the legendary Holy Dragon Slayer and the Death God Slayer, you really aren't living up to your expectations. I'm disappointed.
Seth- .....If you want to fight me so badly then you got yourself one. But don't say I didn't warn you. Death God: Ruler of Sheer Darkness.
Erza (POV)
Seth disappears and the room becomes pitch black. I can't see a thing.
Ikaruga- What is this?!
Erza- Seth?!
The room fills up with nothing but creepy looking eyes.

Ikaruga- What is this?!Erza- Seth?!The room fills up with nothing but creepy looking eyes

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Sho- What the hell is this guy?!
Seth (echo)- I warned you Ikaruga. So now you are being judged. Ikaruga, for the crimes of murder against countless innocents, I find you guilty! You sentence, EXECUTION!!!
All the eyes light up.
Ikaruga- No! No! I'm sorry! I surrender!
I don't see it but I hear the clonking of her heels as she tries to run away.
Seth (echo)- I'll see you in hell.
All the eyes fire blasts at Ikaruga and it hits her and blasts a hole in the walls.

The eyes close and the darkness fades away revealing Seth in the middle of the room

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The eyes close and the darkness fades away revealing Seth in the middle of the room.
Erza- Seth?
He spits up blood and goes to one knee. I run over to him and crouch beside him.
Seth- I'm ok Erza. Really I am.
Erza- You're losing blows at an alarming rate. You'll bleed out if you don't stop.
He gets up and starts walking.
Erza- Would you just stop and listen to me for
He stops but he still has his back turned.
Erza- Back at the guild, you promised me that you wouldn't get like this again. That you wouldn't go off and fight someone while hurt. Well that's what you're about to do am I wrong?
Erza- I'm coming with you wether you like it or not so stop pushing me away! Let me help you god damn it!!
Seth-........Ok then. Let's just rest here for a minute or two then we'll face Jellal together.
Author: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it.

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