Chapter 20

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Erza (POV)
Mira led me to the medical ward and I find Seth in a bed with his left shoulder and midsection taped up.
Mira- The good news is that he isn't going to die. We managed to stop the bleeding and close his wounds. We're gonna need Porlyusica to check him when this is over because only she can repair his left shoulder.
He begins to stir.
Mira- I'll leave you two lovebirds alone.
Erza- (blushes) But we're not. We're just friends.
Mira- Mhmm. Sure you are. Call me if you need me.
Erza- Will do.
She leaves and I sit in a chair next to Seth's bed. He sits himself up and grasps his shoulder in pain.
Erza- Easy...easy. You're still hurt.
Seth- Why can't I move my left arm.
Erza- Your shoulder is shattered. You took the blast head on. (Tears up) I thought you died.
Seth- Aw come on. No tears. I'm fine. It's gonna take a lot more than a Jupiter Cannon to kill me. I'm too stubborn. Plus we still have to live so that you and I can find Serena (Gives toothy smile)
Erza- (wipes eyes and and smiles) You're right.
Seth- So what's happening outside?
Erza- We have about 13 minutes or so now before Jose fires the Jupiter Cannon again. Natsu, Happy, Grey, and Elfman went to to the building to take out the Cannon. Meanwhile, Jose sent out Shade soldiers to attack the rest of the guild.
Seth- I see. You know he's not gonna sit back and let them destroy the Cannon. He's gonna deploy the element four.
Erza- That was what I was thinking. I'm gonna go join them in a bit. For now, I gotta go help the others deal with those shades. I'll come back in a little bit.
Seth- Alright. Be careful.
I give him a smile and then leave. I run into Mandy and told her where Seth is so that she could keep him company. I step outside and start fighting off the shades.
Timeskip to 13 minutes later
Erza- Everybody get out the way! It's about to fire!
Just as the the Cannon was about to fire, it exploded on itself and it was destroyed.
Erza *mind*- They did it and just in time too. Those shades out to me a couple times and stole my energy.
Suddenly, the building started to shift and reform itself.
Cana- No way. You gotta be kidding me.
Loke- The giant. Phantom's most powerful weapon.

Jose (intercom)- Kneel before me you detestable brats

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Jose (intercom)- Kneel before me you detestable brats. Or you will fall victim to my wrath. Savor your last moments because soon, I will end your pathetic lives.
It starts to march forward and the shades come back to attack again. Suddenly the giant stops and starts drawing a magic circle.
Erza *mind*- That's the magic circle for an abyss break! One of the forbidden spells!
I fall back and go find Mira in the guild.
Erza- Why do you look like Lucy.
Mira- I sent her to fairy tail's secret hideout and I turned myself into just in case the worst happens.
Erza- Makes since. Do you want the giant is drawing?
Mira- Yes. I was watching through a window this entire time.
Erza- How long do you think we have? Until the giant casts its spell?
Mira- I'd say about ten minutes. If only we could figure out what's powering it.
Erza- Don't worry. I'm sure the guys inside are looking for the power source right now.
Mira- Someone's in there with Natsu?
Erza- Yes. Grey and Elfman are.
Mira- Elfman?! But why?!
Erza- What's the big deal? He volunteered to go. It was his own choice.
Erza- You know as well as I do that he can't fight. It's just too dangerous.
Erza- He will be fine. He was one of our best fighters in the raid earlier.
Mira- Fighting grunts is one thing. But if he went up against one of phantom's best as he is now, I don't if he could handle it.
Erza- I understand we're you are coming from. I understand why you are worried that happened back then. I would be too. Listen, we all suffered with you. But I think this his way of redemption and his way of trying to leave the past behind and move forward. Let him do it. Have faith in him. I must leave you now.
I leave Mira and go back to fighting.
As we're all fighting Mira comes out.
Cana- Mira?
Erza- What do you think you're doing?! Get back!
Mira spreads her arms.
Mira- Leave them alone! I'm the one that you're after! I'll surrender if you swear to stop attacking our guild!
Jose (intercom) Begone impostor. Nice transformation but you can't fool me young lady. I knew from the start that Lucy Heartfilia wasn't here.
Cana- What now?
Mira- I'm useless. I can't do anything right.
I go comfort her.
Erza- Elfman can handle this because we're fairy tail wizards and fairy tail wizards don't give up without a fight.
Erza *mind*- Hurry up boys. We're running out of time.
Author: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Make sure leave a vote and comment. I'll shout you out if you do. I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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