Chapter 150

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Seth (POV)
We went inside the estate with Erza and Tsukiko dragging the three stooges in by their necks. They still had there steaming big bumps on their foreheads by the time they were able to stand upright.
Erza- Now do think you can finally get serious? Is that too much to ask?
NGA- (still out of it) No ma'am!
Wendy- Ok, where do you think we should get started?
Carla- Yes and what type of clues should we be looking for?
Erza- First order of business should be splitting up into teams of two. Each team will take a different area and scour every room from top to bottom. We're looking for old clocks or anything related to clocks. Anything that reminds you of the inscription, take note of it. Any literature written in that ancient language. Anything out of the ordinary. Clues my present themselves in any form so please keep an open mind. Seth you're with me. The rest of you decide for yourselves. Come Seth.
Seth- Well alrighty then. Lead the way.
We separate from the group and start traveling down a random hallway.
Erza- So how are you?
Seth- Um I'm doing fine I guess. Can't complain. You?
Erza- I'm great. I feel even better now that it's just the two of us.
Seth- (slight blush) Is that so?
Erza- Yeah. Speaking of which,
She quickly pulls me into a tight embrace.
Erza- I know it's only been a couple days but I missed this.
Seth- I feel the same way.
She let's go and we continue to walk until we end up in a library.
Erza- Alright, let's begin our search.
Seth- This is going to be a pain with a library this big.
Erza- Unfortunately yes but we have to find clues. C'mon, the clues aren't going to find themselves.
We begin to search rows upon rows of books but each one didn't have anything to deal with that clock hand or any mention of an ancient clock. Erza is currently on top of a ladder searching the top rows. I take out a book from the shelf and and begin to scan through it. I unconsciously begin to back up to lean against the other bookshelf but I bump into the ladder instead.
Erza- Woah!
I look up and Erza is loosing her balance. The ladder tips over causing Erza to fall.
Seth- Erza!
I throw my book in some random direction and catch Erza. The fall caused me to fall on my back with her on top of me front first.
Seth- Awh damn. You good?
Erza- Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for the save........
We both realize our faces our extremely close to one another's. I can't help but stare into her beautiful brown eyes as she stares into my red ones. Her eyes then slowly become half lidded.

Erza- Hey

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Erza- Hey..................
Seth- Hey.................
Our faces draw near as I see her lips part. Her eyes close completely as do mine as our face are mere centimeters from connection.
The sound of the door to the library swinging open causes us to get startled and get up. The sound of Lucy's voice rings through the library.
Lucy- And here's dad's library!
Michelle- Wow this is amazing!
Lucy- Dad is the reason why I grew up to be such a bookworm myself.
Michelle- There's so many.
Lucy- And I bet there's a book here willing us a clue.
Erza and lean over the railing to grab the two's attention.
Seth- None so far.
Lucy- (looks up) Oh hey guys.
Michelle- (looks up as well) Hello.
Lucy- So no luck yet?
Erza- Unfortunately no but there's still plenty more of library to search. We could use your assistance.
Lucy- Yeah no problem.
Michelle- We're on it.
Lucy- Guys over here!
Erza and I rush over to her and Michelle position.
Erza- Did you find anything?
Michelle- Kinda.
Lucy- We found this book from my dad entitled "to my daughter". There's nothing in it but one of my wise celestial spirits think the title is an anagram.
Seth- That actually makes sense. Rearrange the letters and get a new message. Nice job Lucy.
Lucy- Thanks.
Seth- I'll go gather the others for their help. I'll be right back.
Erza- Hurry back.
Seth- I will.
With that, I leave the room to go gather the others.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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