Chapter 184

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Seth (POV)
Lucy- Wait Seth stop!
It's too late as I had already had both my hands wrapped around Imitatia's throat in a millisecond. Her eyes go wide as I take off into the air with her with me. The sound barrier had long been broken as I crash us into the nearest hill I could find. We make a impact crater but I don't stop there as I drive us through the entirety of the hill and out the other side. Imitatia is already covered with scratches and dirt. Imitatia constantly bangs on my arms and tries to undo the grip I have around her throat but I don't budge for all I can see is red. I finally release her as I drive her into the ground causing yet another impact crater. My hands get covered in blue flames as I top mount her. She swings on my but I catch her arm and pin it to the ground. With my free right hand, I proceed to beat the ever living shit out of her face. With each satisfying punch, more of her warm red blood coated my fist. Alas I was too caught up in beating her to death that I had let my guard down and I get kneed in my balls. I slump off of her and immediately grab hold of my man parts in pain. Imitatia somehow makes to her feet
Imitatia- You're a fucking psycho!!! You're no human!! You're a demon and you always will be one!! But do not worry for I will pass judgment upon you and exorcise you!
Her shield extends to the ground via vine and becomes somewhat of a flail weapon. She stomps on my chest causing me to sit upright. She then wraps the vine part of her weapon around my neck. She goes behind me and press her foot against my back while pulling her flail back. I began choking immediately. No air was passing through my lungs as I struggled to get the vine from around my neck. My vision began to get hazy.
Seth *mind*- Have to think fast.
I place my palms on the ground quickly
Seth (Blue Devil)- Death God:......World Split.
Death God magic blasts into the ground and the ground quakes. The vine snaps as the ground shifts and comes apart. A huge crack forms and the ground literally splits apart in two.

Still sucking precious air into my lungs, I notice Imitatia is on the opposite side

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Still sucking precious air into my lungs, I notice Imitatia is on the opposite side.
Imitatia- I don't have anymore time to deal with you. I must obtain Lucy and bring about true chaos.
She disappears in a flash of her pink colored magic. A couple more deep breaths and I'm back on my feet and automatically head back to Lucy with the upmost speed. I get there and see Imitatia had knocked out Natsu. Imitatia notices me and turns in my direction.
Seth (Blue Devil)- The gates of Hell await you. Death God:
Lucy- Seth don't!
Seth (Blue Devil) Huh?
I had taken my eye off her for one second and now the blades of her flail are in the middle of my chest.
Imitatia- Took your eyes off your opponent. Rookie mistake.
My Blue Devil form comes undone. All I can do is stare on in shock as blood trickles from my mouth. Imitatia yanks the flail out and blood immediately gushes from my chest. I fall to my knees and the fall forward onto the soft ground.
Lucy (POV)
I just killed Seth. He was going to finish Michelle off but I couldn't let him. I still thought there was a piece of Michelle left. I just had to open my mouth and now he's face down in a pool of his own blood.
AT- SETH!!!!
Akuma and Tsukiko rush over to Seth's side.
Klodoa- Very well done. I knew she could do it.
Imitatia- Byro. Don't tell me you've forgotten the orders Lapointe gave you? Take Lucy Heartfillia back to him at once.
Byro- You are in no position to tell me what to do! My loyalty resides with the church of Zentopia!
Byro gets smacked in the face with a seal of some type.

Byro- You are in no position to tell me what to do! My loyalty resides with the church of Zentopia!Byro gets smacked in the face with a seal of some type

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Byro- That belongs to the Archbishop!
Klodoa- Whoever holds his gold seal wields the same authority as the Archbishop himself.
Imitatia- From this point forward, my orders and the Archbishop's are one and the same.
Byro- (kneels) Very well. As you wish.
Klodoa- If you ask me, we should go ahead and kill the other Slayers while we have the chance.
Imitatia- No. I want to bring Alighieri and Dragneel with us. I have a feeling they'll prove quite useful as a hostage.
Klodoa- Why Alighieri? You just killed him.
Imitatia- Killed him? No. Severely injured him, yes. Brain the Second shall have the honor of ending his life.
Klodoa- Fine. We'll let them live for now. But don't forget that showing pity to your enemies is frowning upon Imitatia.
Imitatia- Yes I'm well aware.
Akuma (POV)
Seth indeed has a pulse and Tsukiko is doing her best to patch him up when that octopus we fought in the ruins shows up. Imitatia spawns in a sword.
Lucy- Michelle, please just talk to-
Imitatia hits Lucy in the gut hard with handle of her sword and effectively knocks Lucy out cold. They haven't turned their attention to us yet but I'm ready to take em all on.
Tsukiko- (whispers) We have to go. NOW.
Akuma- (whispers) What? And leave Natsu, Seth, and Lucy? No way. We need to stay and fight.
Tsukiko- (whispers) Not a good idea. We're outnumbered, our team is wiped out. Listen, I saw Elfman sneak away behind the boulders behind us. We need to regroup with the rest of Fairy Tail and come up with a contingency plan. I know it feels like we're running away but trust me in this one. There no way they'll let Seth die like this. They'll patch him up. We'll save them. But for now, the best course of action is to regroup.
With Seth himself telling us to go, Tsukiko and I flee behind the boulders and hide with Elfman. He hands Tsukiko the communication card Cana provided us with.
Tsukiko- (quietly) Guys we have a bad situation. We're in trouble. We're talking big trouble. Seth, Natsu, and Lucy have all been taken out. Michelle is with the Oracion Seis and they've taken the three of them as hostages. We need help. I repeat, we need help. Imminent danger.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Sorry I've been away for a few days. Just got a Nintendo Switch and I've been playing Pokémon and Smash Bros nonstop. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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