Chapter 136

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Seth (POV)
I'm currently outside the guild with Romeo, Mira, Natsu, and Lucy. Natsu and Lucha are taking up this job that requires ballroom dancing this Saturday and right now Lucy is teaching Natsu how to dance. It's quite amusing actually. Natsu accidentally stomps on Lucy's foot which causes me to chuckle a little bit.
Romeo- So it's like some foot stomping game?
Seth- Not quite bud.
Mira- If you learn how to dance like this, you can meet a stranger at a ball and move your body with theirs.
Romeo- Woah that sounds cool!
Grey, Akuma, and Tsukiko come by.
Grey- What're guys doing? Playing some game or something?
Akuma- Looks fun! I wanna play!
Lucy- It's not a game you dumb-
AG- Let me play with you.
They both get kicked in the face for their troubles. Tsukiko just facepalms and shakes her head.
Tsukiko- Idiots I swear.
Erza- Comes our and joins in on the fun.
Erza- Well you may not be aware but in certain circles, I was once known as the dancing demon.
Natsu- You were?!
Seth- (cringes) Oh boy here we go.
Erza- Requip'

Erza- Lets dance!Natsu- No I don't think I'm quite ready yet

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Erza- Lets dance!
Natsu- No I don't think I'm quite ready yet.
Erza- Don't be like that. All you need is spirit! Come Seth!
Seth- Wait wha-
I didn't finish what I was saying as I get pulled into Erza's dancing by Erza herself. And by dancing I mean spinning around at the speed of a mini cyclone.
Seth- Why me?!!!! Let me off the ride!!!!!! I think (heaves) I think I'm gonna hurl.
I stop spinning and I end up in the fetal position on the ground trying not to see my my lunch for the second time today. Wendy comes out with Mandy and Carla.
Wendy- All this dancing looks amazing. I want to try too.
Seth- (still trying not to die) D-Don't do it little sis. It's a trap.
Eventually the whole guild comes out to dance.
Erza- Ready for round two Seth? (Wink)
Seth- Normally I would be excited but (gets spun again) this is just torture!!!!!!
Timeskip to that Saturday night
We all join Natsu and Lucy and go to this ball at someone's fancy house

Erza- Ready for round two Seth? (Wink)Seth- Normally I would be excited but (gets spun again) this is just torture!!!!!!Timeskip to that Saturday night We all join Natsu and Lucy and go to this ball at someone's fancy house

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Lucy- This definitely looks like the kind of place that would have a magical ball.
Grey- I didn't realize it was so far away.
Akuma- And talk about an uncomfortable train ride. My ass is killing me.
Tsukiko- Suck it up you wuss.
Akuma- Says you tiny tits.
Erza- The long trip is a price worth paying for a chance to dance. Isn't that right Seth?
Seth- (silently weeping) Please don't hurt me.
Lucy- You do realize we came all this way to catch an escape convict right?
The doors to the house open up to reveal a young lady.

Lucy- You do realize we came all this way to catch an escape convict right?The doors to the house open up to reveal a young lady

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Lady- Um you're a little early.
Warren (telepathic) Woah what a fox!!!
Akuma- I'll say
Lucy is it really necessary to scream that inside of my head Warren?!!
Grey- We're here to see the count.
Lady- Yes of course you are. My name is Ocheto and my father is Count Balsamico.
Warren (telepathic)- She's too pretty to have such an ugly dad.
Everyone- We can hear you you idiot!!
Seth- Pardon me madam but my name is Seth and we're with Fairy Tail.
Erza- We've come here regarding the job request your father posted in our guild hall.
Ocheto- In that case, I'll take you right to him. Please follow me.
We follow her inside and have a seat with her and her father.

We follow her inside and have a seat with her and her father

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Balsamico- Welcome and thank you for taking my request. I am indeed Count Balsamico.
Natsu- Hah! This guy is hilarious. He's got a sour name.
Happy- And a sour face to match!
Lucy- Don't screw this up for me okay?!!
Balsamico- Let me get straight to the matter. I want you to know there is more to the story than what was written on the flyer.
Tsukiko- Well speak on.
Balsamico- I am exceedingly concerned about the wellbeing of my precious daughter who means more than the world to me.
Natsu- Then why did you give her such a silly name?! (Laughs)
Balsamico- It's a lovely name!
I uppercut Natsu and he goes through the roof.
Akuma- Nice!
Seth- So sorry about that sir. Please continue.
Balsamico- This ball this evening is a special one because it is the night her future husband will be chosen.
Lucy- Yeah that is a pretty major deal.
Balsamico- Once every seven years our family brings out an extremely precious ring. A ring that had been passed down in the Balsamico family name for countless generations.
Tsukiko- So the gist is that this Velveno guy on this flyer here is most likely gonna come here and try to steal it. Is that correct sir?

 Is that correct sir?

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Balsamico- Mhmm. I'm most certified it since he tried and failed seven years ago. But he did ruin the ceremony to choose my daughter's husband.
Erza- I see but given his unique appearance, wouldn't sneaking in undetected prove to be difficult for him?
Balsamico- He is skilled in transformation magic and magical drain. Magical Drain allows him to copy any magic he comes into contact with for a short time. He is dangerous indeed. I entrust the safety of the ring to you. Work together and make sure he fails and once more I want you to capture him and put him back behind bars where he rightfully belongs.
Seth- Well alright. Sounds like a solid plan to me. Let's do this.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. I know Seth didn't.
Seth: (curled up and shaking in fear) The spinning. Make it stop. No more.
Indigo: Later indigo fam. Peace.

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