Chapter 167

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Tsukiko (POV)
We managed to locate a chapel with a familiar symbol inside.

Tsukiko (POV)We managed to locate a chapel with a familiar symbol inside

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Happy- Is this really the place?
Lucy- Yeah, I think so. There's a line in the "Key of the Starry Heavens". "Long and silent had the key rested, embraced my the sound of reverent prayer."
Michelle- By prayer? That does seem like a church of some kind.
Tsukiko- This is the only place that makes sense.
Romeo- Yeah but there aren't a lot of places to hide stuff here.
Happy- I'll get an Exceeds eye view and see if I can spot anything.
Meanwhile in the Library of Sorcery
Seth (POV)
Everyone gathers around to stare at the ass in between the bookshelves.
Cana- that?
Wendy- I don't want to know.
Erza takes her sword out but I stop her and shake my head no. What I do is kick the butt and someone let's out a loud scream while trashing the bookshelves and making it fall towards us.
Erza- Run now!
We make a break for it and narrowly escape. Now all we can do is look at the big pile of books on the floor.
Carla- Who's going to clean this up?!
Out of the pile of books comes the guys I didn't want to see.

Carla- Who's going to clean this up?!Out of the pile of books comes the guys I didn't want to see

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They let out farts as well as surprised yells.
Wendy- No it's the Butt Jiggle Gang!
They start running at Wendy talking about how they missed her. Wendy has a look of disgust and Erza and I get between them and Wendy.
Erza- Don't move. I take you're the one's who did such despicable and horrific things to Wendy?
Gang leader- Horrific? Us?
Erza- Do you deny it? I was told by Seth that she was forced to dress in such a dreadful manner.
Leader- Are you referring to our unitard?! (Fart)
Wendy- What?! You kept that?!
Member 1- It was such a gas seeing her fill this baby out.

Leader- Are you referring to our unitard?! (Fart)Wendy- What?! You kept that?!Member 1- It was such a gas seeing her fill this baby out

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Member 2- What a rumpin good time. A shame Seth burned his last time.
Erza ends up shredding it with her sword and I turn the pieces to ashes.
BJG- They destroyed it!!
Carla- You're monsters for making her dress in that fashion. You're lucky Mandy and I don't shred you!
Cana- Do you know what you've done? Ever since the last meeting, Seth had told me that Carla sufferers horrible night terrors that drive her crazy.
Carla- It's true. Every night since then, I've been chased by a horde of bubble butted Wendy's in unitards! Seth is the one who has to wake me up each and every time.
Leader- You've had nightmares huh? Lackeys huddle up!
They huddle up and discuss whatever it is they do while continuously farting.
Seth *mind*- I swear these guys are gonna make me go nose blind. If they keep farting, I'm gonna shove a big ass cork up each of their asses to plug their butts up!
The gang get out of their huddle and the leader speaks.
Leader- Your fear is only natural kitty cat. For you are in the presence of true scoundrels.
BJG- The Butt Jiggle Gang!!
Mandy- Would you please stop showing your rear ends to us?! Plus your name isn't even terrifying as you think it is!
Carla- Exactly. Stop showing us your rears and clean up the colossal mess you've made.
They look at the giant mess of books.
Leader- But-
He see's the red glow in my eyes as I pop my knuckles and give a sinister smile.
Like this

Leader- You heard the lady

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Leader- You heard the lady. Get to cleaning lackeys.
Member 2- But you're the one who knocked them over boss.
Leader- Back talkin me? Just for that, you get thirty six push ups.
Member 1- But boss?!
Member 2- Shouldn't it be forty sir?
Leader- I'm waiting.
Both members get down and start their push ups.
Erza, Cana, Wendy, Mandy, and Carla look on dumbfounded while I go to the nearest bookshelf and bang my head against it without stopping while I contemplate dying.
Indigo: I totally feel your pain. I don't blame you.
Seth: Kill me. Kill me please. I'm ready. End my suffering.
Carla- They're so.....dumb.
Cana- Is this a comedy act?
Leader- I think they're trying to insult us. Because of that, we're gonna take their treasure by force.
Member 1- (gets up) Now that's how a true scoundrel would do things!
Member 2- You're so inspiring boss.
Leader- Is there a reason why you stopped doing your push ups?
Members- We just finished!
I've had enough and I stop what I'm doing and spawn Holy Dragon Slayer magic in left and point it at them while Erza points her sword at them.
Erza- What exactly are you doing here?
Leader- Well, you cannot stop us you we might as well tell you. We know all about Fairy Tail's hunt for a super treasure that'll turn the world on its head. Every scoundrel is looking for it.
Member 1- We're gonna snatch it and rule the world!
Member 2- And no one's gonna look down their noses at us again!
Wendy- Stop it!
We turn to look at Wendy only to see this again.

Member 1- We're gonna snatch it and rule the world!Member 2- And no one's gonna look down their noses at us again!Wendy- Stop it!We turn to look at Wendy only to see this again

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Carla screams and faints.
Seth *mind*- Yep. It just got worse.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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