Chapter 191

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Akuma (POV)
Lucy's voice rings out but it's devoid of any life or feeling.
Lucy- One of the seals has disappeared. Now there are only three remaining.
Natsu- Hey Lucy, listen up. I know that you can hear me right now. Just hang on! I promise I will save you!
Her eyes change completely

 Just hang on! I promise I will save you!Her eyes change completely

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Lucy- Warning. If the remaining three vanish, the holders of the clock will lose possession.
Natsu- C'mon Lucy! Please snap out of it!
There's chuckling behind us. We turn our heads to see Midnight.

Midnight- No matter how much you plead, it's useless

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Midnight- No matter how much you plead, it's useless. Very soon Lucy Heartfilia and the Infinity Clock will become one.
Klodoa- And once they are completely merged, we will finally have absolute control over Real Nightmare.
Akuma- The hell did you do to Seth?!
Midnight- The fool is alive. He's coming up here as we speak. It's just that you lot have gotten farther than what I would've liked. I'm just here to make sure you meet your demises.
Akuma- Not happening. Seth is going to kick your ass and we're getting Lucy out of here.
Imitatia- I won't let anybody touch my big sister. She and I will stay together for all eternity.
Akuma- You say you want to be with Lucy forever? Ever taken a gander at what she might want? I can tell you this much, you broke her heart. And yet she's still not giving up on you. She's obviously the bigger person in all of this because she still sees the good in you that I clearly can't see. All she wants is to believe in you again. You stabbed her in the back but I know she can forgive you. Why can't you get that through your thick headed skull?
Midnight- Don't confuse the issue. Imitatia is simply attempting to reclaim thar which she once lost. Aren't you?
Imitatia's shield lengthens via vine and she intends to use it like a glaive. She raises it up and brings it down but Natsu and I dart to the side to avoid getting smashed.
Imitatia- I know my sister and I want the same thing! After all, we were always together before!
She charges at us once more but unexpectedly, a purple fireball hits her from behind and puts her on her ass. The source of the fireball was non other than Romeo.
Romeo- You liar! Nobody believes a single word you say anymore. It's over. You lord when you said you were Michelle! So why in the hell should we believe you now?!
Imitatia- It's the truth! I was there!
Romeo engages Imitatia and I back him up. She's put on the the defensive as our magic filled punches bash her shield over and over again.
Romeo- Do you know how happy she was to meet you? She just lost her last family member when you came along! Her heart was broken and you took advantage of the pain she was in! She put her trust in you. So did I, but then you lied!
Imitatia- .......Romeo look.......
Klodoa- Don't let this brat's childish words weaken your resolve, Imitatia. Remember, anyone who stands in your way is your enemy.
Her eyes look down solemnly.
Romeo- (rushes in) So what do have to say for yourself?!
Midnight- Kill him.
Romeo gets knocked out of the air by Imitatia but she looks hurt doing so.
Akuma- Alright listen, Romeo tried using words and for a second it looked like you wanted to change. But what you just did says otherwise. Now, all you are is just another one of Midnight's puppets and are in our way. That being said, it's time for you to pay for your crimes in blood. Round 2 is starting whether you like it or not.
Imitatia-.......I see.
Midnight- Do not fail me Imitatia. And do not forget who's in charge here. If you wish for me to breathe life into your prayer, show your loyalty.
Akuma- Eidolon Devil: Atonement!
I release a blast of magic from my hands directly at Imitatia. She runs at it and the slides on her knees underneath it. I stop blasting and put my guard up as she bashes me with her shield. Her momentum takes me off the ground and into the air. Her vine extends the shield even more and she whirls it around until it hits me. I catch the shield upon impact but she yanks the vine and sends me crashing into the wall.
Klodoa- Yes! That's my girl! Keep your eyes focused squarely on the prize. Your deepest, most heartfelt wish. An eternity to spend with your dear big sister.
Midnight- Now, end his miserable existence. Put that animal down and realize your dream. I can make it come to fruition.
Multiple thorny vines come out from Imitatia.

Multiple thorny vines come out from Imitatia

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Imitatia- Entangle him. Rip this fool to shreds!!
I blast out of the wall and her vines give chase.
Lucy- Warning. A blood thirsty enemy is approaching quickly and another is not far behind.
Samuel in his big cat form busts through the rock covered ceiling and immediately flys to Lucy.
Coco- No Samuel. What are you doing here?
Samuel- (extends sharpened claws) The only thing I can do! Killing Lucy Heartfilia so we can put and end to this madness!!!
As gets in range to end her life, Coco uses her speed to get in the way and become a human shield.
Samuel- Move out the way Coco.
Coco- No never!.
Samuel- We don't have time to argue about this!
Coco- Then go ahead. If you wanna get to Lucy, you have to tear through me first.
Samuel- Look, I've put aside church doctrine for now. I'm doing this solemnly for the greater good.
Coco- Even when you know in your heart that it's wrong?
Samuel- Is it? I don't even need to calculate the outcome this time. We trade one life for the entirety of our entire civilization!
He aims to tear through Coco to get to Lucy but before he can, Happy comes out of nowhere and headbutt torpedoes into Samuel, knocking him out the way. Pantherlily comes in too.
Lily- I'll deal with him. So your answer is more bloodshed. You need to learn the value of life! I guess I'll have to school you some more.
They go off fighting while Happy and Coco try to get Lucy to come to her senses. A single tear falls down her face.
Akuma- She can hear us. Which means she's fighting even harder than we are.
My magic rises and continues to rise. Everything begins shaking as my magic creatures an aura around me
Like this

 Everything begins shaking as my magic creatures an aura around meLike this

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The sheer wind blows my bandanna off as my tattoos, hair, and eyes go blue.

Akuma- Last time I used this one, I was just having fun with Seth

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Akuma- Last time I used this one, I was just having fun with Seth. But this is serious. We're in a major time crisis and you Imitatia, Midnight, and one other needs to go down and quickly. So Imitatia, you're first.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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