Chapter 163

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Akuma (POV)
I'm literally just playing in the dirt while Michelle and Dan go over wedding plans. All of this is driving me crazy.
Akuma- Oh come on! Are you two done with this lovey dovey shit?! I can't take it anymore! Are we gonna beat each other to a pulp or what?!
Tsukiko- This has indeed grow tiresome.
Suddenly Dan's armor begins to stink like someone had explosive diarrhea and left to bake outside in the sun for a week.

 Suddenly Dan's armor begins to stink like someone had explosive diarrhea and left to bake outside in the sun for a week

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Dan- Now there's a stench that'll ruin the mood.
Lucy (tiny) Pee-yew.
Tsukiko- That's disgusting.
Akuma- I'm trying so hard not to hurl.
Lucy (tiny)- Romeo are you causing that smell?

Lucy (tiny)- Romeo are you causing that smell?

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Romeo- Yeah I am. Sorry, but it's the only thing I could think of trying that might help.
Dan- My god! It smells like hot sewage in here! This cloud of concentrated yuckiness is setting my nostrils on fire!
More of that stench explodes from his suit of armor and all of us are caught in the stink cloud. I lose it and my lunch comes up right onto the ground. During all of this, Lucy becomes free of Dan and happy catches Lucy and takes flight.
Dan- Hey! Give me back my beautiful bride cat!
He runs after Lucy and Happy and he starts trying to change them with his spear. The both get hit and Lucy returns to normal size but Happy on the other hand becomes the size of King Kong.

 The both get hit and Lucy returns to normal size but Happy on the other hand becomes the size of King Kong

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Dan- Uh oh. I guess my hand must've slipped a little bit.
Natsu- Woah. Happy is a giant.
Happy (giant)- You suck are that y'know!
Natsu- Yeah he's right! You should really learn how to use that thing before you go whippin it out ya moron!
Akuma- But he's has nothing to whip out. Only on his wet dreams.
Happy (giant)- I'm way too big you guys. I can't get out.
He starts tumbling into buildings of the ruins.
Akuma- Happy stop! You're hurt someone argh!
I get stepped on by Happy.
Happy (giant)- Sorry. I didn't mean to squish you.
Akuma- Alright but will you please GET OFF OF ME!!
Seth (POV)
We've entered the forest awhile back but now we're at a stop and Ezra pulls out the map.
Erza- Hmmmm. It would appear that we took a wrong turn somewhere.
Cana- It feels like we've been wandering around aimlessly all day if ya ask me.
Wendy- Don't you have the directions to get there?
Erza- I have a map but the details are extremely vague. I'm afraid we're just going to have to rely on these road signs to show us the way.
Carla- That's all well and good but can anybody tell me which direction this sign is actually pointing?

Carla- That's all well and good but can anybody tell me which direction this sign is actually pointing?

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Mandy- Ok I'm glad you said something because I thought I was crazy.
Wendy- Now that you mention it, it is a bit confusing.
Carla- Yes to say the least. You don't suppose that this could be somebody's sick idea of a prank?
Cana- That would be a really crappy thing to do . Besides, isn't it a crime to change the direction of a sign? One wrong turn could put somebody in real danger.
Erza- We should a least be getting closer. What do you think Seth?
Since my vocal cords are still healing after having my face blown up by Dan, I write what I saying on a piece of paper.
Erza- (reading Seth's writing) "I don't trust this. This is all a bit too suspicious for my liking. I think we should press forward but our guard has to be up big time." I agree Seth. Let's keep going.
We all get ready to move but Erza comes up to me.
Erza- How's your throat?
I give her the so so sign.
Erza- Try talking again.
Seth (struggling to talk)-
Erza- Well it seems like you're getting better little by little. I think it's time for your medicine.
My eyes widen as I now have to take another spoonful of that horrible tasting medicine Porlyusica prescribed me for my vocal cords. Erza takes out my medicine and pours me a a spoonful.
Erza- Ok now open wide.
I shake my head no.
Erza- Oh come on Seth. How many times do we have to do this? Do you want to be able to talk normally or not?
I begrudgingly nod my head yes and open my mouth for the medicine. I take it and immediately begin to dry heave due to the awful taste.
Erza- Here drink this.
She tosses me a juice pouch and I down it in one go.
Erza- Now come on. We gotta go.
She snatched my hand and interlocks our fingers as we begin walking once more.
Seth *mind*- What the fuck just happened? She's holding my hand.  That was completely out of the blue. Does you even realize what she's doing?
I turn my head slightly to look at her. She returns the gaze and smiles at me softly.
This smile 👇🏽

Seth *mind*- That smile

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Seth *mind*- That smile. So gentle. So soft. Erza Scarlet, I will tell you how I feel sooner rather than later.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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