Chapter 31

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Seth (POV)
During our rest, before Ikaruga died, she gave us a warning of an etherion blast coming in 15 minutes. Erza sent Sho to go find the others and get them to safety. With that we left to go find Jellal.
We walked in silence until she broke it.
Erza- You know you should've gone with Sho.
Seth- Not gonna happen. You may have a score to settle with Jellal but I do too. You're not the only one he's trying to kill.
Erza- I know but look at you. You're really hurt.
Seth- I'll deal. And besides (holds her hand) I've always got your back.
Erza *mind*- Seth......
We continue to walk hand in hand until we reach the main room. We let go and Erza takes point. We see Jellal sitting in his chair.
Jellal- Awh man. The game's over already?
Erza- You find that much pleasure in toying with the lives of others?
Jellal- Between the moment of our birth and the time of our death, there is only that game of emotions we call life. What could be more dreary than simply existing day after day? (Gets up and looks at us) It's been a long time hasn't it?
Erza-.....It certainly has.
Jellal- And would seems you're here too Dragon Slayer. I'm assuming you're here for Erza's sake?
Seth- That and I'm here to pay you back for the torture.
Jellal- (chuckles) I can see it in your eyes. Trust me when I say this kid, she'll just break your heart too. Just like she did mine.
Seth- Cut the bullshit.
Erza- Sho and the others are no longer under your influence.
Jellal- That's fine with me. Now that the tower of heaven has been completed, I have no need for them.
Erza- (requips into her samurai armor and points a katana at him) You don't seem to concerned it'll soon be destroyed.
Jellal- You mean by the etherion? (Laughs)
Seth- So was this a bluff?
Jellal- (removes hood) Not so. The etherion will rain down on us.
Erza- I'm relieved to hear it.
Seth- All that means is that we get to kick your ass for the next ten minutes.
Jellal- No. Whem the beam strikes, your lives will be sacrificed to zeref. This has always been certain. You cannot avoid fate Erza. And although you may have just got here Seth, this is your fate as well. This is y'all's destiny! We only have seven minutes left. In that moment we'll take our final breaths.
Seth- Not gonna happen. We'll beat you down and then I'm taking Erza and we'll get out of here.
Jellal- I don't think Erza will let you. Instead, why don't we simply enjoy these last few moments together?
Seth- Hell to the no! (Charges up death God Slayer magic) I'm beating your ass wether you like it or not!
Jellal- We'll just see about that!
He sends his dark magic at me. I leap into the air.
Seth- Death God: Afterlife Fist!
I punch the oncoming magic and destroy it. I land on my hands and knees.
Seth- Death God: Orion's Reckoning!
My magic symbol appears below Jellal and a plume of red energy erupts from beneath him and he gets caught in it. It blasts a hole through the roof. Once it goes away, he's on his back but he gets up.
Jellal- Not bad for somebody who's half dead.
It was Erza who came at him. She swung her katana but Jellal stopped her leading hand with his left hand and blasted Erza with his magic with his right. It caused another hole to be created and Erza fell through but I dove down to her, grab her, and tossed her back up. I jumped on the falling rocks to make my way back up. I see that Erza and Jellal were in the middle of a conversation.
Jellal- I never forced them to work. They chose to. They knew how important the tower was to me. And now at long last, It's been completed!
His magic appears from the floor and traps Erza into a ball.
Seth- Erza!
Jellal- While it's evident you've honed your skills over the years, you're no match for me.
I charge up an Afterlife Fist and break the magic ball open freeing her.
Seth- You're so stupid Jellal. I know of her past and let me tell you this, she ain't afraid. She's cast away all her fears including you. (Appears behind Jellal) So don't get it twisted ya hear me?
Jellal *mind*- What?!! But how did he...
I knee him in his back and he falls to his knees. I take a few steps back then run at him and hit him in back of the head with the point if my right elbow laying him out. I pick him up and throw him at Erza who slices him in the stomach.
Jellal *mind*- The Hell? How is the possible?!
He lands on his back and we step over to him and Erza points her sword at his throat while we give him death glares.
Seth- What did I tell ya? Told you we'd kick your ass. And with plenty of time to spare ya bitch.
Author: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Make sure to vote and comment. Shout out to eka6430 @clair47 @SeanSilva40 for voting.
Seth: Yeah Thanks my guys and girls.
Author/Seth: We'll see y'all in the next one. Peace.

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