Chapter 143

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Seth (POV)
I take one step and then begin to dash Akuma's way. Akuma can hardly keep up with my zig zagging motion as I'm going faster than what the human eye can see.
Akuma- Eidolon Devil: Judgement Flames!
Purple flames flare up in his hands and he blasts it at me. I leap in the air before impact and I come diving down with my fist cocked.  He jumps back and my fist hits nothing but the ground but is causes a crater.
Akuma- I got you right where I want you! Blood Dragon: Bloody Wave!
Holes open up in his palms and his blood leaks out onto the ground. It gets bigger and he sends it my way. It tears up everything in its path on my way to me. I stand there unmoving as it gets mere feet from my face. With one swift wave of my arm, the wave disperses, leaving me unharmed.
Akuma- What the-
He doesn't finish as I'm right in his face in less than a millisecond. I drive my right fist into his face and he crashes into the ground. His body rolls backwards and I punt kick him back up into the air. I follow up with a series of kicks to his face and body while he's still upside down in the air. I finish it off by delivering a corkscrew kick to the back of his head that sends him back to the ground with a solid crash.

 I finish it off by delivering a corkscrew kick to the back of his head that sends him back to the ground with a solid crash

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Akuma begins to stir and he manages to get to knees.
Seth (Blue Devil)- Mystic Palm Strike!
My hand glows a purplish black.

Seth (Blue Devil)- Mystic Palm Strike!My hand glows a purplish black

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I speed over to Akuma and ran my palm into chest. He immediately goes flying, destroying everything in his path until he explodes.

 He immediately goes flying, destroying everything in his path until he explodes

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Tsukiko- Do you two really have to do this much? You're blowing up the forest.
Seth (Blue Devil)- Well what do you expect from wizard of our caliber? Can't we go a little off while having fun?
Before she could answer, I get hit by a blast and it drives me through the forest and out to the middle of the lake and ends with another explosion.

Seth (Blue Devil)- Well what do you expect from wizard of our caliber? Can't we go a little off while having fun?Before she could answer, I get hit by a blast and it drives me through the forest and out to the middle of the lake and ends with anot...

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I rise up and stand on top of the water as Akuma approaches.

I rise up and stand on top of the water as Akuma approaches

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Seth (Blue Devil)- Your sister distracted me.
Akuma- Well you know her. Always butting into business where she doesn't belong.
I power up somemore.

Akuma does the same

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Akuma does the same.

Seth (Blue Devil)- You know if we keep going on like this, we're most likely gonna destroy everything

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Seth (Blue Devil)- You know if we keep going on like this, we're most likely gonna destroy everything.
Akuma- Yeah but I don't really care. This is really fun.
???- Celestial Dragon: Gravity Matrix Thrust!
We both get hit with an invisible force and are sent careening back to the front of guild hall and we crash land making decent sized craters.
Tsukiko stands over us a couple seconds later looking pissed and with her magic radiating off of her.

Tsukiko stands over us a couple seconds later looking pissed and with her magic radiating off of her

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Tsukiko- You two may not care but I do. This little sparing match is over. And you dare try to protest because if you do, I'll put both of you in the ground got that?!
She power down and walks off. We get up and power down as well.
Seth- Geez, and I thought Erza was scary.
Akuma- Yep, that's my loving sister for ya. Well anyway, that was quite a short yet fun little fight.
Seth- Yeah. It was quite entertaining indeed.
Akuma- Yeah especially for someone who was holding back.
Seth- You caught on huh? Yeah I was holding back. Too bad it got cut short though.
Akuma- There's always next time............Therw is going to be a next time right?
Seth- Yeah of course. Sometime in the future.
Akuma- Yes!!
Seth- Well alright man. I need to leave and tend to my injures before Erza sees me all banged up and bruised.
Akuma- Ok. Later dude.
Seth- Later.
With that, I make my exit.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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