Chapter 8: The secrets that you keep

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Veena was smirking and folded her arms as she sat back her seat, "you owe me a full-course meal when this is all over" she said looking at a now flushed Amanda.

"You are unbelievable! Why would you do that?!What do I do now? I cannot NOT reply! I've been seen-zoning her replies!" Amanda was now panicking.

"You WHAT?!" the other woman raised her voice at Amanda sounding surprised "why on the universe would you seen-zone her replies? Hold on! You've been messaging with Philippines for a while now!?" Veena was shocked—she blinked not just once, not twice but thrice, "and here I was thinking I'm so good for doing you a favor. You big devil!"

Amanda looked at Somchai and then at Veena, back at Somchai before returning her gaze to Veena. She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. When she looked up, her assistant and friend were staring at her waiting for an answer.

"I just sent her a message once saying hello. That's all" she swallowed. Veena looked at her in disbelief, before adding "okay! I might've sent her drunk messages and a selfie in bed, BUT it was a mistake! I thought I was messaging Joe!"

"Messaging Joe my foot! Oh, I know you so well Amanda. You've been doing this way back in UofT! You've always been drunk messaging me instead of... what's his face?"

"...Tyler" Amanda answered defeatedly, her lips pouting.

"Yes, that guy. YOU know who you want to message when you're drunk. You just get that extra courage to do so with booze. Come on, Pra!" Veena stressed.

Some of the restaurant's patrons were now looking at them because their conversation was getting louder.

"Can you lower your voice, please." Amanda begged Veena. She sighed, "I may have been thinking about her that night BUT it was because of the pageant—I like to keep an eye on my toughest competition" she softly said.

The other woman rolled her eyes, "Whatever honey, but please talk to Joseph already! You cannot drag the poor guy. It's going to be unfair for him if you're obviously becoming a soft puppy over someone else" Veena suggested.

"I will, tomorrow" the beauty queen heavily sighed. "I was about to break up with him the other day but something came up."

"Oh yeah? Or Philippines released a new photo that you forgot what you had to do and was probably just daydreaming while staring at it?" her friend raised an eyebrow.

"No! —— I had an emergency meeting. Somchai here was with me." Amanda anxiously said. "How...wait, how'd you know about Phi—Rabiya?"

Veena leaned forward the table and looked at Amanda straight in the eyes, "like what I've been saying, I do my research ——You're forgetting I follow your IG dump account, genius! I know you've been liking every single post of Rabiya. IG user wingardiumleviosa17 certainly doesn't like the posts of other delegates, your dump doesn't even follow Miss Thailand!" she said.

Surprised, Somchai spew out the water he was drinking "windgardium leviosa seventeen? Are you twelve?"

"Why the hell would my troll account follow myself?" Amanda incredulously questioned. She looked at Somchai annoyed, "it was from years ago."

"Amanda adores Harry Potter or maybe just Hermione", Veena added as a matter of fact, to which Amanda gave her the bad eye.

"My dump account is following my real account" Somchai uttered as he raised both his hands in defense, "it's still one additional follower" he shrugged.

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