When you tell them that you're pregnant

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~ Zarkon ~

While you and Zarkon were eating dinner together he noticed that you were trying not to smile. He wondered what you were up to and got suspicious. You caught him looking at you and decided now was the time to tell him the good news.

"How was your day?" You casually asked him.

"It went well, the recruits are learning quickly. Did you do anything fun today?" Zarkon asked you curiously.

"I did. I went to the doctor." You told him.

"The doctor? How is that fun? Are you going to be alright?" Zarkon asked you nervously.

"I'm fine. We're going to soon have a new member of the family." You said, trying hard not to smile too much yet.

"A new member of the family… You're pregnant?!" Zarkon asked you loudly.

"I am. You're mad, aren't you." You said, no longer smiling as you started to panic.

"You mean that I'm going to be a father?" Zarkon asked you, smiling happily.

"Yes, you are. We're going to have a little trouble maker soon." You said, finally allowing yourself to smile wide.

"We're going to have a kit. We need to get ready as soon as we can. Is it a girl or a boy?" Zarkon asked you, a huge smile on his face.

"It's too early to tell." You said, turning your attention back to your dinner.

Zarkon did the same and started eating. He couldn't believe that he finally got you pregnant. He couldn't wait for the baby to be born.


~ Alfor ~

After you left the doctor you went out shopping and found a pair of cute gender neutral baby pajamas. You bought them, took them back to the castle and wrapped them in pink and blue tissue paper. Once Alfor got home you both had dinner and went to his and your private living room after having dessert. You went to the bedroom and grabbed the package.

"I got something for you today after I went to the doctor." You said, handing him the package.

"The doctor? Are you alright?" Alfor asked you curiously.

"I'm fine. Now open your present." You said, trying not to smile.

Alfor turned his attention to the present and carefully opened it up. He was confused as he held up the tiny pair of pajamas. You could no longer hold your smile back.

"Y/n, are you…" Alfor said, not believing what he was seeing.

"I am." You said happily.

"You mean we're going to have a little Prince or Princess?" Alfor asked you with excitement.

"Yes, we are." You said hugging him.

"Oh princess, I'm so happy!" Alfor said as he hugged you back.

You cried a little in happiness, but you blamed it on your hormones. Alfor couldn't wait to become a father and you couldn't wait to be a mother.


~ Blaytz ~

After you went out to buy a few things you put them in a random paper bag that you brought from Earth and put the pregnancy test in it. Thankfully, Blaytz came home at the perfect time.

"So, what's in the bag?" Blaytz asked you curiously, sitting next to you on the bed.

"It's for you. No peeking, just pull things out." You told him.

"Okay… Let's see what we've got here… A baby bottle?" Blaytz asked, holding up a baby bottle.

"Yes…" You said, trying not to smile.

Blaytz put the baby bottle down on the bed and put his hand back in the bag. He felt a few items, but settled on grabbing something soft.

"A tiny pair of pajamas?" Blaytz asked, looking at the tiny pajamas that had the Voltron colors.

"Yeah." You said, trying to contain your excitement.

Blaytz put the pajamas next to the bottle on the bed and put his hand back in the bag. Next, he pulled out a burp cloth, a bib and a soft baby toy. The last thing he pulled out was the positive pregnancy test.

"What is this? And why does it have two lines?" Blaytz asked, holding the pregnancy test up.

"It's a pregnancy test. And it's positive." You said, allowing yourself to smile.

"It's a positive pregnancy test… You're pregnant… I'm going to be a dad! My dick is invincible!" Blaytz said proudly, a huge smirk on his face.

You blushed and rolled your eyes. Blaytz pulled you in for a soft, passionate kiss that made your blush darker. Later on you both made soft celebratory love together.


~ Gyrgan ~

When you went home you went straight to the kitchen and started making a cake. After baking and frosting the cake you wrote 'Boy or Girl?' On the top with light blue and pink frosting. You were so busy that you didn't hear your husband walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Y/n, what are you making?" Gyrgan asked you from the doorway.

"O-oh, Hey boo bear, I was just making a cake." You said awkwardly, jumping a little and turning around to face him.

Gyrgan smiled softly as he walked over to where you were standing. He stood behind you and looked at the cake. His eyes widened when he saw what was written on it.

"Cupcake, are you pregnant?" Gyrgan asked you curiously.

"I am." You said, smiling up at him.

"I can't believe it, I'm going to be a father and you're going to be a mother." Gyrgan said happily.

"I know. I can't wait either." You said, hugging him.

Gyrgan carefully hugged you back, not wanting to accidentally hurt you. He couldn't wait to tell the other Paladins the amazing news.


~ Trigel ~

As soon as you got home you searched the kitchen high and low for buns. When you found some hamburger/hotdog buns you took one out of the package and put it in the oven. Since it was now evening you decided to start making dinner. As if right on cue, Trigel walked into the kitchen and right over to you.

"Hey lovey." Trigel said as she hugged you from behind.

"Hi angel. Can you get something out of the oven?" You asked her, trying not to seem suspicious.

"Sure." Trigel said, letting you go and walking over to the oven.

You tried to contain your excitement as she opened the oven. When Trigel opened the oven she noticed it wasn't on nor was it hot, but it had a hamburger/hotdog bun in it. She took the bun out, closed the oven and walked back over to you.

"Y/n, why was there a bun in the oven… Bun in the oven? Y/n, you're pregnant?" Trigel asked you, realizing that you had a bun in the oven.

"I am." You said happily.

Trigel put the bun on the counter and softly kissed you. You kissed her back, holding her hips with your hands. After a few moments of kissing you both pulled away for air.

"You have made me the happiest woman alive." Trigel said softly.

"Our baby is going to have the most wonderful mothers ever." You said before leaning forward and softly kissing Trigel.

Trigel wrapped her arms around you and returned the kiss. During your first wedding anniversary she thought her life was complete, but now that you both had a baby on the way she couldn't have been happier.

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