When your child goes to preschool for the first time

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~ Zarkon ~

Gatrea had spent plenty of time with her Dayak when you and Zarkon either needed a quick break from parenthood or were busy, but today was the first time she would begin her lessons. You were a little sad that your oldest daughter was growing up so quickly and so was Zarkon, but he was better at not showing it then you were. Speaking of your husband, he was currently wearing a baby sling with Zara in it while he helped you make lunch for Gatrea. You packed a ham sandwich, strawberries and some kind of sweet tasting fruit that grew on Daibazaal in your daughter's new lunch box. Zarkon made sure to quickly slip in one of Gatrea's favorite candies as a surprise.

"Alright Gatrea, here's your lunch." You announced as you closed the lunch box, bending down so that you could give it to her.

"Thanks momma." Gatrea said nervously as she looked up at you.

You gave your daughter a reassuring smile as she took the lunchbox, knowing that she was nervous. You were aware how strict Dayaks were, so Gatrea had every right to be nervous.

"Momma, are you sure that I have to learn stuff with Dayak?" Gatrea asked you nervously, fidgeting with the straps of her backpack.

"Yes, I'm sure. You're growing up now, and it's important that you learn new things. The Dayak that your father and I chose isn't as strict as the others we interviewed." You assured your daughter, lightly placing a hand on one of her shoulders as you knelt down in front of her.

"Your mother is right. Your Dayak is a nice person who's experienced with young children. We promise that nothing bad is going to happen to you." Zarkon told Gatrea in a calm voice, kneeling down as well.

Gatrea slowly nodded her head, still nervous about learning new things. You and Zarkon made sure your oldest daughter had everything that she would possibly need before you both took her to where Dayak was waiting. You both hugged her before she went with her Dayak, promising her that the two of you would have a special snack waiting for her when she returned. You wiped away a few tears as you watched Dayak lead Gatrea down the hallway in the direction of a room that looked like a school room. Seeing your oldest child go to the Galran version of school made you happy and sad at the same time.


~ Alfor ~

While you were packing a special lunch for Lotarius in the kitchen, Alfor was helping him get ready for school. It was Lotarius' first day attending a special Altean preschool that had alchemy classes; the very same school that Alfor attended when he was growing up. You smiled as you closed the lunch box, hearing two pairs of footsteps behind you.

"Here's your lunch, Lotarius. I added a little extra surprise." You said as you turned around, kneeling down while holding his lunchbox.

"Thank you, momma." Lotarius said happily when you gave him his lunchbox.

You smiled as you stood up, knowing that Lotarius would like the lunch you made for him. The nanny was taking care of Fallara, so you and Alfor were able to take Lotarius to school. Once the three of you were at the school, Alfor led you and Lotarius to the preschool room. At some point, Lotarius began to feel nervous about going to school.

"Momma, I'm scared." Lotarius whispered as you and his father knelt down in front of him.

"I know sweetie, but I'm positive that you're going to have a lot of fun." You assured Lotarius, placing a hand on one of his shoulders.

"As am I. I went here when I was your age and I had a lot of fun. Besides, Allura is in your class." Alfor told his and your son, smiling at him.

"Okay." Lotarius responded shyly, hugging you first, and then Alfor.

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