Tummy time

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~ Zarkon ~

Just shortly after Gatrea's eyes opened for the first time you decided that it was about time for her to start working on strengthening her neck muscles. You were in the nursery, sitting on the floor while Gatrea was laying on her stomach on the carpet. She only had to stay on her stomach for about five minutes, but she didn't like it. Gatrea fussed as she squirmed around on the floor.

"I know, but you need to strengthen your neck muscles. If you don't then you won't be able to hold your head up." You cooed to her.

Gatrea glanced up at you for a moment before letting out a distressed cry. Zarkon walked in while Gatrea was having her tummy time.

"Is everything alright in here?" Zarkon asked as he saw you sitting on the floor in front of Gatrea who was still laying on her stomach.

"Everything's fine, Gatrea's only having her tummy time. It's going good so far." You said as you checked the time on your phone, seeing that it was time to pick her up.

Zarkon carefully scooped Gatrea in one of his hands, holding her in his palm. You were still amazed at how gentle he was with her. Zarkon smiled as he held Gatrea, purring and lightly nuzzling her.


~ Alfor ~

After lunch you and Alfor brought Lotarius to the private lounge so that he could have his tummy time. You were laying on the couch and keeping track of the time while Alfor sat cross legged on the floor while Lotarius laid on his stomach. Lotarius only fussed a little, but kept trying to lift his head.

"Come on Lotarius, you can do it." Alfor said, trying to encourage Lotarius to hold his head up.

"He's only a week and a half old; he won't be able to hold his head up for a while." You told Alfor, smiling at him.

"I know. But he is half Altean. He might be able to hold his head up sooner than a human baby." Alfor said, looking at you.

"True. You said, knowing that he was right.

Lotarius fussed some more, wanting to be picked up and held by someone. When his tummy time was done Alfor picked him up and sat on the couch next to you. Lotarius looked at you, so Alfor handed him to you


~ Blaytz ~

When it was time for Iris to start strengthening her neck muscles, you started doing tummy time for her. Blaytz wanted to help, so he got to do it every other day and it was his day. So, while you were doing something, Blaytz was in the nursery with Iris, both of them laying on their stomachs. Iris let out a short cry of distress since she didn't like tummy time.

"Aww, I know you don't like being on your tummy, but you need to strengthen your neck muscles. In a few minutes I'll pick you up and everything will be all better." Blaytz said, baby talking to Iris.

Iris managed to glance up at him for a moment. Blaytz smiled, knowing that eventually she would like tummy time. He loved spending time with his very own little girl.

"Um, Blaytz, why are you laying on your stomach?" You asked when you walked into the nursery and saw him laying on his stomach in front of Iris.

"I'm trying to cheer Iris on. Besides, she gets lonely." Blaytz said, looking up at you.

"I see…" You said, smirking and playfully rolling your eyes.

Blaytz checked the time and saw that Iris' tummy time was up. He sat up, carefully picking Iris up and cradling her against his chest. He stood up and walked over to you, leaning down so that he could kiss you. You kissed him back before he stood up.


~ Gyrgan ~

A few days after you had Adu you started letting him have tummy time. He fussed a little on the first day, but during the following days he didn't fuss as much. Speaking of Adu's tummy time, you were just starting it in the private lounge. Gyrgan smiled as he walked in and saw you laying Adu on his stomach, on the floor.

"Hello cupcake, how are you and how's Adu?" Gyrgan asked as he sat next to you on the couch.

"We're fine. Adu's being good today and he hasn't fussed." You said, leaning against him.

"That's always good to hear." Gyrgan said, wrapping an arm around you and looking down at Adu.

Adu wiggled around a little as he laid on the floor, not minding being on his stomach. You and Gyrgan casually chatted and cuddled on the couch. When five minutes had passed, you picked Adu up and held him.


~ Trigel ~

Whenever Astrid had to have tummy time she never fussed, not even the first time. It seemed a little strange to you, but you weren't complaining. Every day you and Trigel would eat lunch together in the private lounge so that you both could be in the same room during Astrid's tummy time.

Astrid glanced up at you and Trigel, patiently waiting to be picked up.

"How many minutes has it been?" Trigel asked you curiously, referring to Astrid being on her stomach.

"She still has about two minutes left." You said, smiling as you ate your lunch.

Trigel smiled as she looked down at Astrid who had a slightly grumpy look on her face. As soon as the two minutes were up Trigel picked Astrid up, wanting to hold her daughter. Astrid made a happy sound as she was picked up, nestling against Trigel's breasts. Trigel felt her heart melt in that moment and so did you.

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