A tender pregnancy moment

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~ Zarkon ~

Since you were eight and a half months pregnant you almost looked like you were going to pop any day now. Gatrea loved feeling her baby sister move and kick around whenever her soon to be baby sister was being active. As you got closer to your due date, Zarkon didn't like you going out anywhere too far in fear of you going into labor somewhere public. One night after putting Gatrea to bed, you and Zarkon were cuddling in bed together.

"You're so beautiful, Y/n. I love having you pregnant with my kit. If I could, I would impregnate you more often." Zarkon said absent-mindedly, smiling as he laid on his side next to you, cradling your naked body against his.

"Yeah, I know you would." You said, rolling your eyes; Zarkon's need to see you pregnant was something you were used to by now.

"Our next little Princess is going to be perfect, just like Gatrea." Zarkon commented, lightly placing a hand over the swell of your belly.

You smiled, closing your eyes and quietly humming in relaxation. Laying on the extra soft bed and blankets helped your back to feel less sore. As much as you liked certain aspects about pregnancy, there were other parts that you didn't like, especially the whole going through childbirth part.

"You know, as soon as she's born we're not going to be getting much sleep, right?" You asked your husband, opening your eyes and giving him a serious look.

"I know, but it's one of the joys of having a new kit around." Zarkon told you, a dopey smile appearing on his face.

"One of the joys, huh? From what I remember you once called Gatrea a screaming demo-" You started to remind him before getting cut off.

"Yes, I remember. But it was early in the morning and it was my turn to change her." Zarkon said quickly, cutting you off before you could remind him.

You rolled your eyes again as you placed both of your hands over the one hand Zarkon was resting on your large baby bump. Sleepless nights weren't something you were ready for, but you knew that you would survive it. Zarkon let out a deep purr as he gently nuzzled you, the feeling of love overwhelming. Your heart fluttered as you rubbed your nose against your husband's, feeling loved and happy.


~ Alfor ~

After a long day of getting a few things ready in the nursery you and Alfor were exhausted. As you both sat on one of the couches in the living room, Lotarius sat next to you, leaning against your right side. You were eight and a quarter months pregnant, only a few weeks from your due date, and your belly was getting bigger every day. You were thankful that your daughter wasn't as active as she had been earlier that day. Since it was evening Lotarius was getting sleepy, but he insisted that he wasn't too tired.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to bed, Lotarius?" Alfor gently asked his son, not wanting him to get tired and cranky.

"No, I'm fine." Lotarius answered in a sleepy tone, not wanting to go to bed yet.

"You look tired." Alfor insisted, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at a very sleepy looking Lotarius.

Lotarius tried his best not to yawn, but it ended up coming out anyway. He leaned against your side a little more as one of his arms rested up against your belly. You and Alfor briefly looked at each other before looking at your son again.

"I don't wanna leave you and momma and my baby sister." Lotarius mumbled as he looked up at his father.

"We know, but you need to get your sleep. Besides, your younger sister is already fast asleep. It's time for you to do the same." You spoke quietly, lightly running your fingers through your son's soft hair.

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