Your mood swings

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~ Zarkon ~

It was bound to happen sooner or later; your mood swings would kick in. One minute you were happy and the next you could be mad. Right now you and Zarkon were in the private lounge relaxing. To Zarkon, you looked mad, but in reality you were in a fairly good news.

"Why are you mad?" Zarkon asked you after a while.

"I'm not mad." You replied, not looking up from your holopad.

"You look mad." Zarkon said, ruining your good mood.

"Why do you always think that I'm mad?" You asked him angrily.

"Because you look mad." Zarkon said bluntly.

"Well no thanks to you my good mood is gone. I hope you're happy with yourself." You said, standing up from the couch you were sitting on and storming towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Zarkon asked you curiously, feeling bad that he misjudged your mood.

"Anywhere but here." You snapped, opening the door and storming out of the room.

Zarkon just sat there, processing what just happened. He still felt bad for ruining your mood, but he knew that you would probably forgive him later after you cooled off. He feared you and your mood swings, as he should.


~ Alfor ~

When your mood swings started kicking in Alfor was very careful not to make you angry. However, you were mostly sad these days. So as you sat on the bed after you and Alfor woke up you immediately felt sad and started crying.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Alfor softly asked you as he sat next to you on the bed.

"I'm fine. Just sad. These mood swings are hell." You sniffled, hugging him.

"I'm sorry to hear that, princess. If it helps, you are the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen and you're the most wonderful wife that I could have asked for." Alfor said in an attempt of cheering you up.

"Th-that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." You said as more tears ran down your cheeks and chin.

Alfor hugged you a little tighter, not wanting to hurt you and your son but wanting to comfort you. You were thankful that you had such a sweet and sensitive husband.


~ Blaytz ~

Lately you had been feeling all kinds of emotions; sad, happy, angry and insecure. You knew that it was just your hormones, but you couldn't help but think that you looked fat now. Right now you were in bed sobbing your eyes out. When Blaytz walked into his and your bedroom he saw you sobbing.

"What's wrong, cutie?" Blaytz softly asked you as he walked across the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm fat." You mumbled against the pillow that you had your face pressed against.

"What?" Blaytz asked, not quite hearing you.

"I said that I'm fat." You said angrily, sitting up a little and looking at him.

"You're not fat." Blaytz told you, not wanting you to feel bad about your baby bump and the pregnancy weight you gained.

"Yes I am! And it's all because of you, you horny space shark!" You snapped, feeling an uncontrollable anger burning deep inside of you.

"Cutie, you're not fat, you're pregnant. You're as beautiful as ever." Blaytz said, trying to calm you down.

"But I am fat!" You said, going back to the position you were in before and started sobbing again.

Blaytz felt bad that you thought you felt the way you did, so he took his shoes off and moved further up the bed so that he could spoon you. He whispered sweet things to you, letting you sob and cry loudly until you calmed down.


~ Gyrgan ~

Since you were in your second trimester of your pregnancy you started having mood swings. You were usually either sad or mad, but as stretch marks began appearing around your baby bump you were insecure. So, as you waited for Gyrgan to finish brushing his teeth in the bathroom before bed you were crying.

"Cupcake?" Gyrgan asked when he came out of the bathroom and saw you crying.

When you heard Gyrgan say your cute nickname you looked up at him with your tear blurred vision. Gyrgan turned the bathroom light off, walked over to the large bed and sat next to you.

"Now, what's wrong?" Gyrgan softly asked you.

"Well… I have stretch marks now and as our son grows they're only going to get worse. What if… Will you still think I'm attractive after our son is born?" You asked him nervously.

"Of course I will, stretch marks or not. I love you, Y/n, no matter how you look." Gyrgan said, putting a finger under your chin and gently tilting your head up so that you could meet his gaze.

You smiled as you leaned forwards and hugged him. Gyrgan carefully hugged you back and kissed your forehead, happy that you weren't angry. You, however, started crying; but in happiness this time.


~ Trigel ~

As your pregnancy progressed you were starting to have mood swings. Oddly enough you were never too angry, but most of the time your mood went from happy to sad or visa versa. While you were waiting for Trigel to get back from doing something in the Kingdom you were watching a funny video. However, you were laughing so hard that you were crying. When Trigel walked into the private lounge she thought you were crying.

"What's wrong, lovey?" Trigel asked as she walked over to the couch you were sitting on and sat down next to you.

"It's this video. It's so funny!" You said, both laughing and crying at the same time.

"I'm glad that you're not sad." Trigel said as she hugged you and rested her head on one of your shoulders, placing her hands on your ever growing baby bump.

You smiled as you kissed one of her cheeks. You pushed replay on the video so that she could see why you were laughing so hard.

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