When you go into labor

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~ Zarkon ~

While you and Zarkon were falling asleep together in bed after a day of relaxation you started cramping. You weren't able to get comfortable and the cramps only got worse. You had a feeling that your cramping was a sign that you were going into labor and panicked a little.

"Are you feeling alright, Y/n?" Zarkon asked, sitting up a little.

"No, I'm cramping in my lower abdomen. I think I'm going into labor." You said nervously as you felt an odd pressure near your pelvis.

"You're going into labor? Right now?" Zarkon asked, suddenly fully awake.

"I can't exactly help it, you know!" You snapped, the pain getting a little worse.

"Well what do you want me to do?" Zarkon asked you, panicking a little.

"Contact Haggar!" You said, not wanting to give birth in bed and ruin the bedding.

Zarkon grabbed his holopad, turned it on and sent a message to Haggar. Then, he put his holopad down and carefully picked you up bridal style. He had the servants turn on all the hallway lights so that he could get to the infirmary without tripping on anything. He wasn't prepared for this, so he tried to stay calm for your sake.


~ Alfor ~

When you sent Alfor a message that you were in labor he left Coran in charge of helping out in the Kingdom so that he could rush you to the doctor. He found you in the kitchen where you had been trying to get a snack.

"I'm here, Y/n. I'll get you to the doctor." Alfor said as he carefully picked you up bridal style.

"But my snack." You whimpered, still hungry.

"I'll have a servant bring it to the infirmary. Right now I need to get you there before our son decides to come out." Alfor said as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and felt your cramps get worse than they already were. You knew that you would be in a lot more pain soon, but you tried not to think about it. Alfor said comforting things as he quickly walked to the infirmary, hoping that he would get there in time. You, however, were still kind of hungry despite the pain.


~ Blaytz ~

Ever since you woke up you had been having cramps in your lower abdomen. After you and Blaytz got ready for the day and all throughout breakfast he kept asking you if you were feeling alright, but you kept telling him that you were fine. You were forty weeks pregnant and due any day, but you didn't think that you were going into labor. By afternoon your cramping got worse, so you texted Blaytz as you rested on his and your bed. Within minutes he entered his and your bedroom, panting as though he had run all the way from the throne room.

"Are you feeling alright, cutie? Where does it hurt most? Are you sure our daughter's coming now? When did your cramping get worse?" Blaytz asked as he sat on the bed next to you.

"Blaytz, please just get me to the doctor right now." You said in between cramps.

"Oh my gosh, our daughter is coming. We're going to be parents soon." Blaytz panicked, unable to focus.

"Blaytz!" You yelped in pain, trying to bring him back to reality.

"Right! Don't worry, cutie, I'll get you there before you know it." Blaytz said as he got up, carefully picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the bedroom.

You lightly dug your nails into the back of his neck as another painful cramp in your lower abdomen. Blaytz carefully carried you through the palace, making sure not to jostle you too much when he turned a few corners. The pain was getting worse, making you grit your teeth and groan in pain. Blaytz' heart pounded in his chest as he carried you to the infirmary and hoped that you were going to be alright.


~ Gyrgan ~

When Gyrgan received a message from you saying that you were in labor and at the infirmary he dropped what he was doing so that he could be at your side. When he got to the infirmary he saw you laying on a bed-like table, your back perched up by a few pillows while wearing a hospital gown he rushed over to you.

"How are you feeling, Y/n?" Gyrgan asked as he stood by where you were laying.

"I'm in a lot of pain and I feel like I'm going to explode, but other than that I'm okay. The doctor says that he's going to have to do a C-section. Promise that you'll be here for me?" You asked him nervously, tears in your eyes.

"I promise. I'm going to be with you every step of the way. Try to relax." Gyrgan said, bending down to softly kiss your forehead.

You couldn't help but cry in both pain and fear, scared of what was going to happen. Gyrgan felt bad for putting you through this, but he was going to be there for you no matter what.


~ Trigel ~

You and Trigel were only enjoying dinner together when you suddenly felt a wetness in between your legs. You had been cramping all day, but you didn't think anything of it. Your cramps only got worse as your water broke.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Trigel asked with concern when she saw the pained look on your face.

"My water just broke." You said, gripping the edge of the table until your knuckles turned white.

"Your water broke? Hold on, I'll get you to the infirmary. Take deep breaths." Trigel said as she got up out of her seat, picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the dining room.

Once the two of you were gone the servants cleaned the mess up. Meanwhile, Trigel was rushing you to the infirmary. You were in a lot of pain and took deep breaths, but you were also panicking. You wished that you had paid more attention to your cramping earlier.

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