Finding out what gender your second baby is

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~ Zarkon ~

When you were around eighteen weeks pregnant, it was finally time to find out the gender of your baby. You and Zarkon decided to bring Gatrea along so that she could be there with both of you. Gatrea wanted to go since she was curious about what the gender her younger sibling was. So as you laid on the examination table, Zarkon stood by your right side, holding Gatrea while Haggar scanned your belly.

You were a little nervous as you laid perfectly still on the examination table. Zarkon let you hold his free hand, something that always helped you relax. Gatrea was a little nervous too, so she was quiet as Haggar scanned you. A few moments later, an image appeared on the large holoscreen while the heartbeat was detected and played over a speaker.

"Is that the baby?" Gatrea whisper-asked her father, looking at the strange looking image on the screen.

"Yes, it is." Zarkon quietly answered, lightly nuzzling his daughter, helping her to feel calm.

"Can you tell what the gender is?" You asked Haggar with curiosity.

Haggar walked over to the monitor and let out a brief quiet hum as she studied the image. You didn't care what gender your baby was, but Zarkon wanted it to be a boy while you Gatrea wanted a little sister; you were fine with either.

"It's a girl." Haggar replied after a few moments, smiling as she stepped back and turned to face you, Zarkon and Gatrea.

"Did you hear that, Gatrea?" Zarkon asked his daughter calmly; he was a little disappointed that it wasn't a boy, but he didn't mind having another little Princess in the near future.

"Yeah, I get a baby sister." Gatrea said happily, bouncing a little while holding onto her father's shirt.

"I knew it." You told your husband as you looked up at him.

"How?" Zarkon queried, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at you.

"Mother's intuition." You shrugged, turning your attention back to the holoscreen where the image of your baby was displayed.

Zarkon never could figure out how your mother's intuition worked; it was like you were psychic sometimes. After your appointment with Haggar, you and Zarkon thanked her before the two of you and Gatrea left her office. Now that you and Zarkon knew that you were having another girl, you both would be able to start preparing for when she was born. As for Gatrea, she liked the idea of having a little sister, but she didn't exactly know what to expect. You and Zarkon would be there to help her adjust.


~ Alfor ~

Today was finally the day; you and Alfor were finally going to find out what gender your baby was. Coran and Melenor were watching Lotarius for the afternoon so that you and Alfor could have some alone time and so that Lotarius could have a playdate with Allura. As you laid on the examination table, the doctor was getting ready to do a few scans on you.

"I still think it's a girl." Alfor said as he looked down at you, letting you hold one of his hands.

"What makes you think that it's going to be a girl?" You queried, raising an eyebrow as you looked up at your husband.

"We've already had a son, so it's only logical that our next child is a girl." Alfor told you matter-of-factly.

Right as you were about to retort, the doctor asked you to pull your shirt up a little. You did as you were asked before the doctor started scanning your lower belly. Your baby's heartbeat could be heard shortly after the doctor began scanning your belly with a cordless transducer. With your pregnancy hormones, you felt like crying as you listened to the heartbeat.

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