~ Zarkon ~
(Gatrea is 15)It was no secret that Gatrea loved practicing fighting techniques with her father and his pupils. However, as she started getting older, Gatrea realized that she had a crush on one of her father's pupils, a boy who was only two months older than she was; his name was Hepta and she fell in love with him because of his personality. She wasn't sure how her father would react to her having a crush on one of his pupils, but she knew that you wouldn't be against her liking Hepta. One day during lunch Zarkon went to go help you with the twins, Valeria and Sofia, while Sendak kept an eye on Zarkon's pupils. Sendak kind of knew about Gatrea's crush on Hepta, so he stayed out of it and minded his own business.
"Can I sit here?" Hepta queried when he walked over to Gatrea, gesturing to the empty spot next to her on the large, flat Rock.
"W-what? Oh, y-yeah! You can sit here!" Gatrea sputtered when Hepta asked her if he could sit next to her.
"Thanks!" Hepta responded happily, sitting next to her before opening his lunchbox.
Gatrea couldn't believe it; Hepta was actually sitting next to her. Hepta noticed a slight change in her behavior, but he decided not to say anything about it. Hepta had a slight crush on the oldest princess, but he didn't think that she could ever like him back since he wasn't royalty. His older sister, Ladnok, always told him that being royalty or not wouldn't matter. Gatrea wasn't sure what to say, but she knew that she needed to say something.
"Um… S-so, what kind of chips do you like?" Gatrea hesitantly asked Hepta, speaking about the first thing that popped into her mind; she felt stupid for asking her crush what his favorite kind of chips were.
"What are 'chips'?" Hepta questioned with confusion, tilting his head slightly to the right as he turned his attention to her.
"N-never mind… It's a kind of snack that comes from my mom's planet… J-just pretend that I didn't ask that question…" Gatrea responded awkwardly, feeling more embarrassed as she spoke.
"I wouldn't mind trying these 'chips' you speak of." Hepta told Gatrea, feeling intrigued by what chips were.
"You would? I can bring a bag tomorrow so that you can try them." Gatrea offered, suddenly feeling not so stupid.
"I can't wait to taste them." Hepta said with excitement, a smile appearing on his face; he couldn't wait to try the new snack and hang out with Gatrea the next day.
Gatrea could have sworn that she was blushing when Hepta smiled at her; he was just so cute. After a moment, she and Hepta started eating their lunches together so that it wouldn't look like they were flirting with each other, even though they weren't. Hepta glanced over at the other two pupils and Sendak, thankful that none of them were paying attention to him and Gatrea; he thought that they would tease him for having a crush on a princess. Even though she was a princess, Gatrea had proven herself to have the potential of being a great warrior, just like her father. Until Zarkon came back from his own lunch break, Gatrea enjoyed spending one on one time with Hepta and talking to him.
~ Alfor ~
(Lotarius is 17)Lotarius and Allura knew each other since they were babies and they got to see each other almost every day as they grew up, but at some point Lotarius realized that he had a crush on his childhood friend. Allura was the living, breathing embodiment of beauty and grace, not to mention that she was the nicest girl his age that he knew. He first realized that he had a crush on her when they were thirteen, but it wasn't until he was seventeen that Lotarius decided to make his crush on her known. Lotarius was a gentleman, so one day before school he picked a bouquet of juniberry flowers. During lunch was when he was going to give her the flowers.

Paladins Parent Scenarios
RomanceWell, here it is. The sequel of my Paladins Dating Scenarios. If you haven't read the first book yet, then I suggest reading it before you read this. (June 16 2021 - June 22nd 2022) IMPORTANT NOTE!: You're only in a relationship with ONE character...