Your pregnancy cravings

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~ Zarkon ~

You were now fourteen weeks pregnant and seriously craving the strangest of foods. The one thing you craved the most was the one that made Zarkon sick to his stomach; fried frog legs. You didn't know why you were craving frog legs, but you were. Zarkon gagged every time you wanted them, but he still managed to get you some.

"Here's your… Legs." Zarkon said, not wanting to say the 'F word' as he called it.

"Thank you!" You said as he set the plate in front of you.

Zarkon sat at the dining room table across from you, trying to focus on his own lunch. Ever since the frog incident on Earth anything frog related made him queasy. You felt bad that you were craving fried frog legs, but there wasn't much you could do about it. Zarkon just hoped that you would eventually find a new, and not so disgusting, food to crave.


~ Alfor ~

Sometime in the middle of the night you suddenly felt very hungry. You were careful not to wake Alfor up as you slipped out of bed, got your red robe and red lion slippers on and snuck to the kitchen. As soon as you reached the kitchen you turned the light on and went straight to the fridge. You saw a jar of grape jelly and a jar of pickles, so you decided to try putting them together to see how they tasted. Right as you were dipping a pickle in the grape jelly Alfor walked into the kitchen, wearing his own red robe and red lion slippers.

"Y/n, do you know how early it is? And what are you eating?" Alfor asked, walking over to where you were standing and seeing what you were eating.

"Sorry, I got hungry." You said sheepishly.

"Pickles and grape jelly?" Alfor asked, scrunching his nose up a little in disgust as you took a bite.

"Hm, not bad. It actually tastes pretty good." You said, liking the flavor.

"If you say so. I'm going back to bed." Alfor said, turning around and leaving the kitchen.

You watched as your husband left the kitchen. Alfor was clearly disgusted with what you were eating, but he was too polite to say so. You dipped your pickle back into the jelly before taking another bite, not caring that it was a gross mix of food.


~ Blaytz ~

Blaytz watched from the kitchen doorway as you put together some sort of pizza-like food. Lately you were having cravings, which meant you were putting food together that wasn't supposed to go together. Once your creation was complete you cut it like a pizza and picked up a slice.

"What are you eating?" Blaytz cautiously asked as he walked over to you.

"Pizza. Want to try a piece, it's really good." You said, chewing a piece of your 'pizza'.

"Um… Sure?" Blaytz asked/said, picking up a slice and inspecting it.

You bit off another piece of your slice and ate it, watching as your husband looked at the weird pizza. You used a pre-made pizza crust, used peanut butter as the sauce and used pickle slices, banana slices and strawberry slices as the toppings. As soon as Blaytz took a bite, chewed and swallowed he gagged and ran out of the kitchen, dropping the slice of pizza on the way out. You decided to keep your cravings to yourself.


~ Gyrgan ~

When your pregnancy cravings started Gyrgan was more than willing to get or make whatever food you were craving the most. However, you seemed to be craving one kind of food in particular; Cheetos dipped in pickle juice. You didn't know why, but you really liked it.

"Y/n, are you sure that's healthy?" Gyrgan asked as you both ate lunch together.

"Who cares, it's fragging delicious." You said, eating a slightly soggy Cheeto that you dipped in a small bowl of pickle juice.

"Out of all the things to crave." Gyrgan muttered.

"Hey, you try being pregnant. It's hard." You said, glaring at him.

"No thank you." Gyrgan said, making a strange face.

You rolled your eyes as you ate your strange snack. Gyrgan went back to eating his own lunch which was a sandwich with some kind of meat in it. He was very thankful that he would never have to be pregnant.


~ Trigel ~

When you started having pregnancy cravings Trigel was more than happy to let you try a few Dalterion dishes that you hadn't tried yet. You seemed to like one more than the others; a stew with some kind of meat in it, but you weren't able to get it often. However, tonight was one of the nights that the chef made it for dinner.

"Y/n, slow down. I don't want you to choke." Trigel said as you quickly ate the stew.

"Sorry. I've just really missed it. But why doesn't the chef make it very often?" You asked her curiously.

"Because our hunters don't want to over hunt the animal that the meat comes from." Trigel replied softly.

"What kind of meat is it?" You asked, suddenly a little nervous about what you were eating.

"Yalmor." Trigel said before turning her attention back to her own bowl of stew.

You looked at your bowl of stew, now knowing what kind of animal you were eating. You felt a little guilty, but you were thankful that no one was over hunting yalmors so that there would still be enough in the wild. You began eating after a few moments, savoring it this time.

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