When your baby crawls for the first time

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~ Zarkon ~

While you and Zarkon were in the nursery with Gatrea you both were sitting on the floor with her. She was wiggling around on the floor, indicating that she was trying to crawl. You were excited, but you could tell that Zarkon was more excited than you were.

"Come on, Gatrea." Zarkon said with excitement, holding his arms out.

"Zarkon, she's only five and three quarter months old." You reminded your husband, trying not to burst his bubble.

"So? She can do anything that she puts her mind to." Zarkon said matter-of-factly.

"I know, and I'm not saying that she can't, but she's still pretty young." You said, wondering if your daughter was actually going to crawl this time around.

Gatrea looked up at you and Zarkon, wondering why you both were arguing. She squirmed around on the floor more, finding leverage with her hands and feet. When she pushed herself forward, Gatrea used her feet to push and her arms to keep her head up. She crawled over to you and placed one of her hands on one of your knees, wanting you to pay attention to her.

"Huh? Gatrea? You crawled?! You did such a good job!" You said with surprise and happiness.

"I- I- She actually crawled." Was all Zarkon could say.

Gatrea let out a squeal of pure joy as you picked her up off of the floor. You really weren't expecting her to start crawling at such a young age; you wondered if it was because she was half Galra. Zarkon did feel a little rejected by his daughter, but he figured that she would eventually crawl to him.


~ Alfor ~

While you, Alfor and Lotarius were outside where the juniberri flowers grew, you placed Lotarius down on the soft grass for a moment before sitting down. Alfor sat down too, picking a few juniberri flowers so that he could make a flower crown for you. Lotarius loved being outside in the juniberri flower meadow. He saw a particularly large juniberri flower near you and wanted to pick it, so he leaned forwards so that he was in a crawling position. You noticed some movement from the corner of your eye, so you turned your head so that you could see what was moving.

"Alfor, look! Lotarius is crawling!" You said with excitement, causing Lotarius to turn his attention to you.

"So he is. He appears to be after something." Alfor said, noticing that Lotarius wasn't crawling to him or you.

Lotarius had a look of confusion on his face, his mouth open slightly. After a few moments he turned his attention back to the flower and started crawling towards it. You figured out what he wanted, so you helped him by picking the flower and handing it to him.

"There you go, Lotarius. You did such a good job." You praised, watching as Lotarius sat back and admired the flower.

"You did so well, my little alchemist." Alfor said proudly, happy that Lotarius was becoming more mobile now.

Lotarius smiled as he watched his father make a flower crown before looking at his own flower. He offered the flower to Alfor, holding it up in his tiny fist. Alfor thanked Lotarius before taking the flower, adding it to the crown. You were thankful that Lotarius wasn't the type to wander away.


~ Blaytz ~

When Iris started wiggling around on the floor during tummy time you and Blaytz knew that it wouldn't be very long before she started crawling. You couldn't wait and neither could Blaytz, so you both were very encouraging. At the moment, you were convinced that Iris was about to start crawling while you, her and Blaytz were on the floor in the private lounge.

"Come on little cutie, come to daddy~." Blaytz cooed, holding his arms out.

"No, come to mommy." You said, holding your own arms out while smiling sweetly.

Iris looked at Blaytz, then you, then Blaytz again. She wasn't sure who to go to; she loved you both a lot, so it was too difficult to decide. She propped herself up with her arms and pushed her body forwards with her legs, quickly figuring out how to crawl, albeit a little clumsily. You and Blaytz just sat there in silence, waiting to see who she crawled to. However, when Iris was only a few inches from where you and Blaytz were sitting she stopped crawling and laid back on the floor, rolling onto her back.

"She just- I-" Blaytz sputtered, shocked that Iris started crawling, but stopped midway just so that she could lay on her back.

"Good job, Iris." You said, praising your daughter for at least crawling.

"You did so well, my sneaky little princess." Blaytz baby-talked, smiling down at Iris.

Iris giggled and reached her arms up, making grabby hands. Blaytz picked her up, blowing  raspberries against her tummy. Iris' laughter echoed in the room, causing you to smile and laugh along with her. It was always super cute to watch Blaytz interact with her like that; in a way, it made you swoon.


~ Gyrgan ~

While you were in the other room, Gyrgan was in the nursery with Adu, sitting on the floor. Recently Adu had been trying to crawl, so it was only a matter of time before he figured it out. Gyrgan smiled as Adu wiggled around on his stomach while laying on the floor. Both Gyrgan and Adu looked at you when you walked into the nursery. While his father wasn't paying attention, Adu began clumsily inching his way towards you.

"Awww, you taught him how to crawl!" You said happily when you saw Adu trying to crawl towards you.

"I did? Oh, yes, I did!" Gyrgan said when he saw Adu crawling over to you, pretending that he knew, even though he didn't.

As Adu crawled over to you he started getting a little tired. He wasn't used to using his arms and legs to get around, but he was determined to reach you. You walked over and picked him up, promptly joining Gyrgan on the floor.

"You did such a good job, my little marshmallow." You baby-talked to Adu, lightly booping him on the nose.

"I'm so proud of you!" Gyrgan told Adu, a big smile on his face.

Adu smiled and laughed, happy that you and Gyrgan were so happy. You were thankful that you and Gyrgan already baby proofed everything ahead of time. Gyrgan couldn't wait until Adu became more mobile so that Adu could follow you and him around the Palace.


~ Trigel ~

Lately Astrid had been more energetic than usual and was trying to crawl. Normally when she tried, she was laying on her belly. One afternoon in particular you and Trigel were tidying a few things up around the nursery while Astrid was playing with one of her stuffed toys. Or rather, that's what you thought; Astrid had gotten bored and decided to go exploring. While you and Trigel were busy, she figured out how to crawl and crawled right out of the nursery.

"Alright baby girl, your mother and I are done. Astrid?" Trigel asked as she turned around, not seeing Astrid anywhere.

"Trigel, where's Astrid?" You asked, panicking a little as you started looking around.

"I- I don't know. I thought she was in here." Trigel replied, helping you look.

You both looked everywhere in the nursery, but neither of you could find Astrid. Trigel noticed that the door was open and went to go see if Astrid crawled out of the nursery with you following close behind her. Thankfully, Astrid hadn't wandered off too far.

"There you are!" You sighed in relief, walking over to your daughter and picking her up.

"As proud of you for crawling as your mother and I are, you had us worried." Trigel told Astrid as she walked over to where you were standing.

Astrid giggled as she wrapped her tiny arms around your neck, giving you the biggest hug she could. You were happy and proud of Astrid for learning how to crawl, but you hoped that she wouldn't wander off too often. The Palace was baby proofed, but it still worried you since she could still get lost. You and Trigel would have to keep a better eye on her.

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