When your toddler gets sick

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~ Zarkon ~

One morning when you walked into Gatrea's room to wake her up you heard her sneezing and coughing. You had a feeling that she was sick, so after you helped her get dressed and after breakfast you and Zarkon took her to see Haggar. Haggar diagnosed Gatrea with a slight cold and gave you a bottle of medicine to give your daughter once a day. You and Zarkon felt bad that Gatrea had a cold. Zarkon decided to stay with you and Gatrea since he was worried about her.

"Do you need another tissue?" Zarkon asked his daughter quietly as he knelt by the couch where she was laying, offering her the box of tissues.

"No." Gatrea replied in a stuffy tone, feeling more tired than she ever had in her entire life.

Zarkon put the box of tissues back on the coffee table, not moving from where he was kneeling down. He turned his head when he heard you enter the living room, seeing that you had the medicine, a bowl of chocolate ice cream and two spoons with you.

"Hey Gatrea, it's time to take your medicine." You announced as you walked across the living room and sat on the edge of the couch, putting the bowl of ice cream and one of the spoons on the coffee table.

"Noooo." Gatrea whined in disgust, sticking out her tongue.

You rolled your eyes as you opened the bottle of medicine and poured some into the teaspoon you were holding, putting the bottle and its lid down on the coffee table. When Gatrea saw the bowl of ice cream her eyes lit up, suddenly feeling hungry for it. She looked back up at you and hesitantly opened her mouth. You gave her the medicine, thankful that she wasn't putting up a fight.

"Yucky!" Gatrea groaned lowly as she swallowed the awful tasting medicine, happy to have it done and over with.

"There you go, all done. Here, this will make the taste go away." You said as you gave her the bowl of ice cream and the clean spoon, promptly closing the bottle of cold medicine.

"Thank you, momma." Gatrea croaked as she took the bowl and the spoon, immediately starting to eat as soon as she had it.

"You did well." Zarkon praised his and your daughter, also thankful that she took the medicine without throwing a fit.

Gatrea sniffled as she ate her chocolate ice cream, feeling it soothe her sore throat. Being sick was the worst, but if it meant that she got to eat ice cream every time she had to take medicine, then it wasn't all bad. However, she still preferred to not be sick. After she was done eating her ice cream, you took the bowl and the spoon before going back to the kitchen. Zarkon watched as Gatrea slowly fell asleep, quietly standing up and walking over to one of the other couches so that he could sit down; you joined him after a while, wanting to be close to your husband so that you both could quietly read something together.


~ Alfor ~

When Lotarius somehow caught an ear infection in his left ear, Alfor had the doctor come to see what she could do. It was only a minor ear infection, something easily cured, and the doctor left some medication for you and Alfor to give to Lotarius. Lotarius hated the medication since it had to go in his ear, so both you and Alfor were both present when it was time to give it to him.

"Momma." Lotarius whined in discomfort as you tried putting some of the medication in his ear.

"I know, I'm sorry." You apologized, trying to be as gentle as you could.

Lotarius squirmed and winced as you tried giving him the medication, his left ear hurting worse. Alfor was kneeling next to his son's toddler bed, letting him hold one of his hands. He suddenly got an idea and reached for the red lion plushie that was on the bed.

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