~ Zarkon ~
As you got closer to your due date your feet ached every time you had to walk somewhere. You hated being in pain, but you knew that it was normal. So, while you and Zarkon were sitting on a couch in his and your private lounge you put your feet on his lap.
"Yes?" Zarkon asked, putting his holopad down and looking at you.
"My feet ache really bad. Can you please massage them?" You asked him nicely.
"Of course, kitten." Zarkon said as he began gently massaging your feet.
You sighed happily as he gently rubbed your sore feet, making sure to not accidentally scratch you with his claws. Zarkon rubbed and lightly kneaded your feet with the pads of his fingers, not wanting your feet to ache. He rubbed up the length of your feet, paying special attention to your heels. You laid back against a soft pillow and rested your hands against your belly, enjoying the foot massage.
~ Alfor ~
When your legs started aching badly, Alfor would take the time to massage them, no matter what time of the day. So, as you laid on his and your bed with your legs on his lap, Alfor rubbed his hands up and down them.
"That feels so good. I love how amazing you are at this." You said, looking up at him past your thirty seven week pregnant belly.
"I'm glad that I can help your legs stop aching. I don't like seeing you in such pain." Alfor said, smiling down at you.
"I seriously can't wait for our son to be born so that my legs won't hurt so bad from carrying him around inside of me." You said, laying back down once again and staring up at the ceiling.
Alfor hummed in agreement as he added a little more pressure to your legs, occasionally rubbing your feet. He watched as you dozed off, not wanting to wake you, so he just kept gently massaging your legs and feet.
~ Blaytz ~
The closer you got to your due date the more your back ached. You had a problem standing up straight because you ached most in between your shoulder blades. Blaytz noticed one day while you both were in your bedroom.
"Cutie, is your back hurting?" Blaytz asked you with concern.
"Yes, it is. Right in between my shoulder blades." You told him, trying not to slouch too much as you sat on the edge of the bed.
"Let me help you feel better." Blaytz said as he got behind you on the bed.
You moved your hair out of the way so that he would have easy access. Blaytz placed his hands on your shoulders and put both of his thumbs right in between your shoulder blades. He began rubbing your shoulders and rubbed his thumbs against your spine. You sighed happily at his light rubbing.
"Does that feel better?" Blaytz whispered seductively against your right ear, his touches becoming more sensual.
"Ooh yeah, that feels better." You practically moaned happily.
Blaytz pressed his thumbs in between your shoulder blades and up and down the length of spine in between them with a little more pressure. He palmed your shoulder blades while the rest of his fingers rubbed your shoulders. Blaytz couldn't help but lightly suck on your right earlobe, gently biting it and making you moan louder. He was having fun making you feel good, even though it wasn't in a sexual way.
~ Gyrgan ~
Despite being on bed rest your ankles still ached. You were thirty nine weeks pregnant and you looked like a bloated whale and felt like it too. So, as you waited for Gyrgan to come check on you, you waited as patiently as you could. When the bedroom door opened you saw your loving husband enter while holding something. You recognized the items when he got on the bed with you.
"Here, these should help." Gyrgan said as he sat on the bed and placed two cloths over your ankles before putting ice packs on them.
"Ahhh, that feels so much better." You sighed happily, instantly feeling the coldness of the ice packs through the cloths.
"I know how hard it is for you to stay in bed most of the time now, especially when your ankles, feet or back ache." Gyrgan said sympathetically.
"Thanks boo bear, my ankles are already feeling better. I love you." You said, smiling up at him.
"I love you too, cupcake." Gyrgan said as he carefully leaned down to give you a gentle kiss.
You suddenly felt very emotional when he kissed you. Gyrgan felt bad that you were going through so much, but he knew that you would feel better after you gave birth. He hoped that everything would go smoothly when it was time for his and your son to come into the world.
~ Trigel ~
Now that you were thirty eight weeks pregnant your aches and pains were getting worse. Lately the middle of your back had been aching, so Trigel would massage it for you. Like right now, for instance. You were one hundred percent that she had magic fingers. So, as Trigel rubbed slowly up and down the middle of your back you sighed happily.
"Does your back feel any better yet?" Trigel softly asked you, putting a little more pressure into her massaging.
"Yes, much better. You're amazing at this. I just can't wait for our daughter to be born." You said, leaning into her touch.
"Neither can I. I love you." Trigel said as she leaned forwards and pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck.
"I love you too." You said, glancing back at her and smiling.
Trigel smiled as she leaned forwards a little more and placed a kiss on your right cheek. You couldn't wait for your daughter to be born so that you wouldn't have to slouch so much as you had been lately.

Paladins Parent Scenarios
RomanceWell, here it is. The sequel of my Paladins Dating Scenarios. If you haven't read the first book yet, then I suggest reading it before you read this. (June 16 2021 - June 22nd 2022) IMPORTANT NOTE!: You're only in a relationship with ONE character...