First family pet

128 3 13

~ Zarkon ~

During a family vacation on Altea, Gatrea found a stray kitten while she was in the juniberry fields. The kitten was skinny and her right front paw was injured; she refused to just leave the kitten where she found her. With the help of Alfor and Coran, the kitten's right front paw was quickly healed. The kitten's body was all white, but the tip of her tail was orange and so was her left ear. Gatrea knew how afraid of cats her father was, but she really wanted to keep the kitten.

The family vacation lasted for a week and a half, so during that time Alfor subtly brought cat food and toys to the room Gatrea was staying in. When it was time to go home, Gatrea managed to keep the kitten hidden until she was able to take her to her bedroom. She decided to name the kitten Melody since her meow was melodic. Unfortunately, one morning when you went to go wake your oldest daughter up, you saw a little white and orange kitten curled up on the foot of her bed. You didn't know how she smuggled a kitten into the palace, but you were going to find out.

"Gatrea, wake up." You whispered as you sat on the edge of your daughter's bed, waking the kitten up before Gatrea.

When Melody saw you, she meowed and walked over to you, rubbing herself against your body. You smiled as you lightly petted her, immediately falling in love; she was just so cute. As Gatrea woke up, she remembered that you didn't know about Melody until now; she saw you petting Melody when she sat up.

"Gatrea, I think that you better explain what a kitten's doing here." You firmly told your daughter, still petting the adorable kitten who loved the attention you were giving her.

"I'm sorry mom, I couldn't leave her. I found her in the juniberry fields on Altea. Her right front paw was injured, but Alfor and Coran helped her heal. I decided to name her Melody. Please, don't make me get rid of her." Gatrea explained, pleading for you not to make her get rid of Melody.

"I won't make you get rid of her, but your father needs to know that there's a kitten living here now. I just hope that he doesn't freak out." You answered humorously, remembering when Zarkon freaked out because he saw a kitten before the two of you started dating.

"Oh, thank you mom!" Gatrea replied happily, leaning over and giving you a quick hug despite the awkward position.

You smiled, happy that your daughter was so kind to animals. Since Melody was on your lap, you had to carefully pick her up and put her back on the bed. You stood up and left Gatrea's bedroom after a moment, closing the door and giving her privacy. Gatrea was scared that her father would make her get rid of Melody because he hated cats. However, she couldn't hide Melody forever; she quickly got dressed and picked Melody up before slowly walking to the living room.

Melody hadn't been out and around the palace, so she made sure not to accidentally drop said kitten. When Gatrea arrived at her destination, she saw that you were talking to Zarkon while her sisters all sat in a row on one of the other couches. Melody could tell that Gatrea was nervous about something, so she stayed quiet. As soon as her father closed his eyes, Gatrea took a deep breath, walked into the living room and sat in between you and Zarkon.

"Okay, you can open your eyes, but don't panic." You calmly told your husband, hoping that he wouldn't freak out.

"Y/n, I don't panic very often, especially if you have a surprise for-." Zarkon said as he opened his eyes and looked down at Gatrea, going quiet as soon as his gaze fell on Melody; his and your oldest daughter was holding a kitten.

"Before you say anything, her name is Melody and I saved her life. Please papa, don't make me get rid of her." Gatrea quietly begged her father, feeling as though she was going to cry.

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