~ Zarkon ~
When your due date finally came and you went into labor, Zarkon took you to Haggar's office, leaving Gatrea in her Dayak's care. Giving birth wasn't something you enjoyed; in fact, you hated it, but holding your newborn daughter in your arms for the first time was worth all the pain, sweat and tears. Your new daughter mostly looked like you, but she had Zarkon's skin tone, and she would have his eye color, but neither of you knew that yet. Zarkon had been in the room the entire time, allowing you to hold one of his hands when it was time for you to start pushing. Now that your daughter was in your arms, neither of you could stop looking at her.
"She's so perfect, just like you, kitten." Zarkon whispered as he sat in a chair that was next to the comfortable infirmary bed you were laying in.
"Yeah, she is. What should we name her, though? I kind of like the name Zara, but what do you think?" You asked your husband with curiosity, not looking away from your sleeping daughter.
"I think Zara is a good name for her." Zarkon agreed, smiling at his and your new baby girl.
Zara opened and closed her mouth a few times and wiggled around on your chest. You had a feeling that she was hungry and you brought her closer to your right nipple, watching as she latched on and began to drink. You lightly caressed her slightly damp hair, feeling how soft it was. A few minutes later Zara finished with her first meal and fell asleep after you carefully burped her, causing you and Zarkon to smile wider. Eventually Zarkon sent Dayak a message, requesting that she bring Gatrea to meet her new baby sister; Gatrea seemed to be feeling shy, which worried you a little.
"Come here, Gatrea." Zarkon said quietly as he knelt down as far as he could, holding his arms out to his arms.
Gatrea cautiously walked over to her father, unsure of what to do or say. Zarkon carefully picked her up once she reached him, letting her sit on his lap. She looked at the tiny baby that laid on your chest, not wanting to say anything.
"Meet Zara, your new baby sister." You told your first daughter, not wanting her to be nervous around you or Zara.
"Are you feeling alright, momma?" Gatrea whisper-asked, noticing that you somehow looked different.
"I'm fine, I promise." You answered in a reassuring tone, giving her a weak smile.
"She's so tiny." Gatrea said quietly, turning her attention to Zara.
"Yes, she is. You can hold her later, if you want." You offered, wanting her to get used to being a big sister, but not wanting to force it.
"Okay." Was all Gatrea said as she stared at Zara, feeling a little more comfortable.
Zarkon didn't say anything as he made sure that his and your oldest daughter didn't fall as she sat on her knees on his lap, getting a better look at her new baby sister. Gatrea became more curious after a while, no longer feeling nervous. Dayak took her leave, knowing that she wasn't needed at the moment. Zara happily slept on your chest, her belly full of your milk and not having a care in the world. You and Zarkon were happy that Zara was finally a part of your little family and that Gatrea fully calmed down after a while.
~ Alfor ~
Your due date came and went quickly, but you didn't go into labor as expected. You and Alfor were worried that something was wrong until the next morning when you finally went into labor. Coran and Melenor were taking care of Lotarius while Alfor took you to the infirmary. Neither of you were expecting your daughter to be born one day late, but you were relieved that nothing was wrong. Going through labor was hell, but giving birth to your daughter went quicker than you thought it would.

Paladins Parent Scenarios
RomanceWell, here it is. The sequel of my Paladins Dating Scenarios. If you haven't read the first book yet, then I suggest reading it before you read this. (June 16 2021 - June 22nd 2022) IMPORTANT NOTE!: You're only in a relationship with ONE character...