When your baby can't fall asleep

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~ Zarkon ~

When it was bedtime for Gatrea you were busy with something, so Zarkon offered to put her to bed. After you fed her Zarkon changed her diaper and put her in the fluffy light purple pajamas you got for her. Gatrea noticed that you weren't in the nursery, so she began crying loudly. Her crying startled Zarkon and he wasn't sure how to calm her down.

"Shhh, please don't cry. Please don't cry!" Zarkon said in a hushed tone, gently rocking and bouncing her in a calming way.

Instead of calming down, Gatrea cried louder. She wanted you to put her to bed, not her father. Zarkon was really panicking since he didn't know what was wrong. Thankfully, you came to the rescue.

"What's wrong?" You asked in a panicked tone, running into the nursery.

"I don't know. Gatrea started crying loudly when I tried to put her to bed." Zarkon said, holding Gatrea out to you.

You walked over to Zarkon and took Gatrea from him. Tears streamed down her chubby purple cheeks. You held your daughter close and wiped her face off with one of your sleeves. Gatrea sniffled as she settled down, happy that you were holding her.

"How?" Zarkon quietly questioned, watching in awe as he watched you get Gatrea to sleep.

"She just needed a mother's touch." You told him in a quiet tone.

Zarkon wondered why Gatrea didn't seem to like him. Perhaps it was because he didn't spend as much time with her as you did. You had Gatrea sleeping in no time, so you laid her in her crib before following him out of the nursery, turning the light off. The two of you went to your bedroom so that you both could cuddle and watch something on your holopad.


~ Alfor ~

It was supposed to be nap time for Lotarius, but for some reason he didn't want to fall asleep. You had already fed him while Alfor changed him, but still he wasn't sleepy. Each time either of you tried putting him into his crib Lotarius would sit up and babble happily as though it was playtime.

"Please Lotarius, you must take a nap." Alfor reasoned with his son, but only getting laughter in return.

"Come on, Lotarius, please just sleep." You told your son, causing him to look up at you and stop laughing.

Lotarius wasn't very sleepy, but he knew that it was nap time. You and Alfor were surprised when he laid down and grabbed his favorite yalmor, hugging it against his chest before falling asleep.

"Is he..?" Alfor quietly asked you curiously, hoping that Lotarius had fallen asleep.

"I think so. Come on, let's go rest before he wakes up." You whispered before turning around and tip-toeing your way to the nursery door.

Alfor took one last look at Lotarius before following you, turning off the light on his way out. The older Lotarius got the harder it was to get him to take naps. You decided that it was time to start limiting his naps during the day so that he would go to sleep easier. However, now that your son was asleep, you and Alfor were finally able to have some alone time to yourselves without any distractions.


~ Blaytz ~

One evening while you were trying to put Iris to bed she wasn't having it and started getting fussy. You had already fed, bathed, changed and put Iris in her pajamas, but every time you put her in her crib she would whine and cry out in displeasure. When you didn't come to cuddle yet Blaytz came to see what was going on.

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