When one of your kids gets hurt

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~ Zarkon ~

As Gatrea started getting older, she began wanting to train with her father who was training a few new pupils; she might have been a princess, but that didn't mean that she was a damsel in distress. You were a little nervous about letting your oldest daughter train with her father and his new pupils, but Zarkon reassured you that she would be alright. So, once every week, Gatrea skipped a day of princess lessons with her Dayak so that she could spend the day training with her father and the other young pupils who were around her age. One day while the rest of your daughters, aside from Angela, were with their Dayak learning their lessons, Gatrea had accidentally tripped on a rock, cut the left knee of her pants open and scraped her left knee.

"Owwww!" Gatrea groaned loudly as she sat on the ground, looking at her scraped knee as it began to bleed a little; it wasn't anything major, but it did sting a little.

"Are you alright, Gatrea?" Zarkon asked his oldest daughter as he rushed to her side and knelt down in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but I scraped my left knee. Can you take me to mom so that she can help me fix my knee before it gets infected?" Gatrea queried, wanting to get back to what she was doing, but not wanting her scrape to get infected.

"I'm more than capable of cleaning and bandaging your knee." Zarkon told Gatrea matter-of-factly, feeling a little insulted that his own daughter thought he wasn't able to take care of a simple scrape.

"Okay, but we still need to go inside." Gatrea reminded her father, looking up at him.

Zarkon put Sendak, who was officially a Commander, in charge of teaching the new pupils battle techniques while he was away. He carefully picked Gatrea up in his arms before standing up and carrying her to the palace. Gatrea wasn't afraid to be seen as vulnerable every so often since she would never be seen as weak. On their way to the main bathroom, you saw your husband carrying your oldest daughter; you just put Angela down for her nap, so you finally had time to rest.

"What's wrong?" You asked your husband as you walked over to him, not yet noticing Gatrea's scraped knee.

"Gatrea scraped her left knee after tripping on a rock. I'm going to clean her wound and bandage it." Zarkon answered in a calm voice, not wanting you to worry.

"I need a new pair of pants too since the left knee of mine accidentally ripped." Gatrea added, knowing that the knee of her pants would need to be mended.

"You let our oldest daughter get hurt?!" You asked your husband in disbelief; you had a feeling that your oldest daughter would somehow get hurt.

"I'm fine, really." Gatrea told you; her scrape wasn't too painful and she didn't want you to be worried about her too much.

"If you're sure, but please be more careful in the future." You chided, looking at your oldest daughter.

"Okay mom, I'll be careful." Gatrea responded, her pointed ears lowering a little.

You sighed, knowing that you couldn't stop your daughters from getting minor injuries every so often. You were feeling a little sleepy, so you decided to go take a nap; your husband was more than capable of cleaning and dressing a minor scrape. After you left to go take a nap, Zarkon proceeded to carry Gatrea to the main bathroom where he sat her down on the counter and got the first aid kit. Usually you were the one who bandaged your daughters' boo-boos, but Zarkon knew how to do it too. Before going back outside, Zarkon let Gatrea go to her room so that she could put a new pair of pants on. For the rest of the day, Gatrea was careful not to trip on any more rocks.


~ Alfor ~

After eating dinner and dessert, you, your husband and your children went to go relax in the living room like usual. Alazu didn't have to worry about homework and Lotarius was good at doing his homework on his own, so you and Alfor were helping Fallara with hers since she was having a little trouble figuring something out. You didn't quite understand Altean homework, but you did your best to help anyway. Alazu was playing with one of her favorite plushies while watching something on the tv. Lotarius was feeling a little sleepy, so when he turned the page of the book he was reading, he accidentally got a paper cut.

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