Cutest moment with your baby

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~ Zarkon ~

It was early evening while Zarkon was in his and your bedroom spending some time with Gatrea. She smelled like she needed a bath, so he decided to give her a tongue bath. She wasn't whining or making any sounds indicating that she was in discomfort, so he continued. You knew that Gatrea needed a bath, so that was your original plan.

"What are you doing to our daughter?" You asked when you walked into his and your bedroom, seeing him licking Gatrea who was only wearing a diaper.

"I'm giving her a bath." Zarkon said matter-of-factly, looking up at you.

"With your tongue?!" You asked in shock, your temper flaring up a little.

"Yes. It's how we clean our kits when they're tiny." Zarkon told you in a calm voice before continuing to give Gatrea a tongue bath.

"You're messing her hair up." You said as you walked closer, seeing that Gatrea's hair was sticking up in odd angles.

"I'll smooth it down soon." Zarkon said seriously, glancing up at you once more.

Gatrea liked her father giving her a tongue bath; it was soothing and she started purring. You sat on the bed next to your large husband, hearing your daughter purring. You weren't expecting her to like tongue baths better than regular baths.


~ Alfor ~

While you were busy getting ready for the day Alfor was on his and your bed, holding Lotarius. Lotarius was getting hungry, so Alfor decided to let him suck on one of his fingers. He smiled as his son happily sucked on his finger.

"Did I hear a whine?" You asked, walking out of the bathroom and over to the bed.

"You did; Lotarius is hungry, but I'm letting him suck on one of my fingers." Alfor said, showing you.

"That's actually pretty cute." You said, smiling as Lotarius looked up at you while furiously sucking on one of Alfor's fingers.

"Yes, he is quite adorable." Alfor said happily.

You couldn't help but watch as Lotarius sucked on Alfor's finger, not giving up despite not getting anything out of it. A few moments later you went back to the bathroom so that you could finish brushing your hair and teeth, as well as anything else you needed to do.


~ Blaytz ~

Blaytz smiled as he sat on one of the couches in the private lounge while holding Iris and wiggling the feelers on his head, making her smile. You sat next to him, reading one of your favorite books. As he was wiggling his feelers, Iris tried copying him, moving her feelers in almost the same way.

"Hey Y/n, watch this." Blaytz said, looking at you.

You looked up from your book, seeing the huge smile on Blaytz' face. Blaytz looked back down at Iris, slowly moving his feelers so that they were both pointing straight up. Iris moved her feelers so that they were pointing straight up, just like her father's. Each time Blaytz changed the position of his feelers Iris copied the position with hers.

"Awww!" You said, dying of cuteness overload.

"I know, right? She's such a little cutie." Blaytz said happily, smiling as he looked at you.

"Yeah, she is." You said, smiling as you looked at Iris.

Iris looked at you and smiled, looking as happy as could be. You went back to reading your book after a few minutes, wanting to find out what your favorite character was going to do next while Blaytz continued to keep Iris busy.


~ Gyrgan ~

While Gyrgan was spending one on one time with Adu in the nursery he decided to try something. He stuck his tongue out and Adu copied him, sticking his little tongue out. When Gyrgan put his tongue back in his mouth Adu did the same.

"There you are? What's so funny?" You asked, hearing your husband laughing a little in amusement.

"Oh, hello Y/n, watch this." Gyrgan said as he looked at you, a cheesy smile on his face.

You walked over to where Gyrgan was sitting, curious of what he was going to do. Gyrgan looked back down at Adu and stuck his tongue out. Adu saw and stuck his tongue out at his father. You couldn't help but laugh; it was just so cute and funny.

"Awww!" You laughed, covering your mouth with one of your hands.

Gyrgan put his tongue back into his mouth again and so did Adu. You stopped laughing after a while, your sides hurting a little. You could tell that Adu was going to grow up and inherit Gyrgan's sense of humor.


~ Trigel ~

It was bath night for Astrid, so you and Trigel were giving her a bath together. You added just a little bit of bubble bath to the water and Astrid seemed to be enjoying herself by splashing around and popping the larger bubbles.

"Bubble hair." You said as you scooped up some of the bubbles and put them on top of Astrid's head.

Astrid smiled as you put the bubbles on her head. She swiped at them with her tiny hands, having the time of her life.

"She's so cute when she's having fun." Trigel said, smiling at your daughter and pushing more bubbles towards her.

"She loves bubble baths, too." You said, gently washing one of Astrid's arms with a soft cloth.

Trigel got busy and started gently washing Astrid's left arm. Astrid smiled, enjoying her bubble bath. Once you and Trigel were finished washing her arms and let them go, Astrid started playing with the bubbles in the water again.

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