Your second baby's first word

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~ Zarkon ~

One evening while you and Zarkon were sitting on the couch while watching something on the tv, Gatrea was sitting on the floor with Zara, the two of them gently rolling a toy rubber ball to each other. You and Zarkon were happy that Gatrea was finally used to being a big sister. Every time the ball rolled to Zara, she giggled and rolled it back to her older sister. When something on the tv caught Gatrea's attention, Zara was confused why the ball wasn't being rolled over to her.

"B-b-ba-ba-ba." Zara babbled, looking directly at the ball.

"In a moment, Zara." Gatrea told Zara as she looked up at the tv.

Zara pouted, not happy that Gatrea wasn't rolling the ball to her. She looked up at the tv, but she didn't understand why anyone liked watching some kind of movie; even you and her father were focused on watching the movie.

"Ba-bal-ba-ba-ball!" Zara sounded out in a demanding voice, sticking her bottom lip out a little just like Gatrea sometimes did.

You, Zarkon and Gatrea looked directly at Zara as soon as she said 'ball'. You and Zarkon knew that she would be saying her first word soon, but neither of you were expecting it to be ball.

"Did she just say 'ball'?" Zarkon asked you with uncertainty, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she did." You confirmed, a little surprised at what Zara's first word was.

Gatrea smiled, rolling the ball back across the floor to her baby sister. Zara giggled when the ball reached her, pushing it back over to her older sister. You thought it was cute how Zara liked the ball so much that it was her first word, but Zarkon was hoping that it would have been 'dada' or 'mama'. You leaned against your husband, and he wrapped an arm around your body. Regardless of what Zara's first word was, you both were proud of her for finally saying it.


~ Alfor ~

While Alfor was laying on the couch, Fallara was laying on her stomach, on his chest. Fallara was babbling things that no one could understand while looking up at her father. Lotarius was at school, so it was just you, your husband and your adorable daughter at home. You were sitting on the other side of the couch, casually reading an interesting book. Every so often you would glance at your daughter, subconsciously smiling.

"Yes, that's very interesting." Alfor told Fallara as though he could understand her.

Fallara liked it whenever either you, her father or her brother spoke to her; it made her feel listened to. She was good at babbling, but she wanted to say actual words, just like everyone around her. Alfor smiled as she started babbling happily again, making sure to make his ears twitch a few times.

"D-d-d." Fallara babbled, patting her father's chest with her tiny hands.

"Y/n, Fallara is trying to speak." Alfor said as calmly as he could, barely able to contain his excitement as he got your attention.

"She is?" You asked, putting a bookmark in your book before setting it down on the coffee table and sitting up.

Fallara kept trying to sound out her first word, unable to quite say it. You and Alfor listened in anticipation as she kept babbling. You both were so excited to hear what she was going to say, the two of you patiently waiting.

"D-d-d-da-d-da-da-dada." Fallara said, looking directly at her father's face.

"She spoke, Y/n!" Alfor cheered happily, a huge smile on his face.

"You did so good." You praised your daughter, scooting over a little so that you could be closer to her and your husband.

Alfor leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to the top of Fallara's head. Fallara kept saying 'dada' a few more times, giggling a little. You were happy that your daughter was beginning to talk, but at the same time you were a little sad; your second baby was growing up so fast. You shed a few tears of happiness, quickly wiping them away. Alfor was proud of Fallara too, and would try eventually teaching her how to say more words.

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