When your baby kicks for the first time

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~ Zarkon ~

While you and Zarkon were having lunch together your baby girl was moving around like usual. However, right as you were about to eat you winced in pain when you felt a fairly painful kick inside of you.

"Are you alright?" Zarkon asked, noticing that you winced.

"I'm fine, but our daughter just kicked me and it kind of hurt." You told him.

Zarkon reached over and carefully pressed one of his hands on your belly. It took a few moments before your daughter to kick again. Zarkon smiled when he felt a kick against the palm of his hand. At that second kick you winced again.

"She's going to be a strong one." Zarkon said happily.

"Yeah, I can feel." You said, wincing again as you felt another kick.

Zarkon felt bad that you were in pain because your daughter kept kicking you, but he was also happy to finally feel his daughter kick for the first time. After lunch and for the rest of the day he kept wanting to feel your daughter kick his hand.


~ Alfor ~

One day while Alfor was out taking care of something in the village your son kicked for the first time. It was slightly painful, but you were still happy that he was kicking. When Alfor came back to the castle he found you resting in the shade under a tree.

"Hello princess, how are you and our son doing?" Alfor asked you as he sat next to you.

"I'm fine, and our son kicked." You told him.

"He did? Let me feel." Alfor said with excitement as he placed both of his hands on your bump.

"Don't be disappointed if he doesn't kick. It's been a whi- Oh!" You said until you were interrupted by your son kicking again.

"He is a strong one, isn't he? I can't wait til he's old enough to take out on missions." Alfor said happily.

"I don't want our son going out anywhere dangerous. You might be a Paladin of Voltron but you still get into more than enough danger." You said seriously.

"Sixteen then?" Alfor asked with a slight pout.

"Yeah, fine, when he's sixteen." You said, unable to resist your husband's cute little pout.

Alfor smiled triumphantly when he got you to agree to let your son go on missions with him when your son was sixteen. His smile grew as he felt another two kicks. You winced slightly at the feeling of being kicked from the inside, but you tried not to make it too obvious.


~ Blaytz ~

After a day of being out fighting evil Blaytz came home, you both had dinner together and now you both were cuddling in bed. Now that you were twenty five weeks pregnant your daughter was moving around a lot more and would soon be kicking. As it turns out, sooner than you expected. You winced when you felt a kick come from inside of you.

"Cutie, are you okay?" Blaytz asked you when you winced in pain.

"I'm fine. Our daughter just kicked me, that's all." You told him.

"She did?" Blaytz asked in excitement, placing one of his large hands on your extended belly.

You both smiled as you waited for a kick. Blaytz' smile grew when he felt a few kicks against his hand. You winced slightly with each kick, but you were still happy that your daughter was kicking.

"That's our little cutie." Blaytz said, letting a few tears of joy escape his eyes.

"Are… Are you crying?" You asked him curiously.

"Who? Me? Yeah, I am." Blaytz said, leaning over to kiss you.

You couldn't help but kiss him back. Your daughter settled down after a while. You might have been the pregnant one, but Blaytz wasn't afraid to show his emotional side. After all, you both were full of joy as he was there for you through every part of your pregnancy.


~ Gyrgan ~

As you and Gyrgan were getting ready for the day you felt your son moving around inside of you. It wasn't anything new to feel him moving around, but when you felt a particularly sharp kick you yelped in pain.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Gyrgan asked, rushing over to where you were standing.

"I'm fine, but the way our son kicked me was painful." You told him.

"He's kicking?" Gyrgan asked, placing one of his large hands on your bump.

Your son felt a large hand and decided to lightly kick it. You gasped when you felt your son kick you from the inside. Gyrgan smiled when he felt his son kick his hand, although he felt bad that you were in pain from the kicks. Thankfully, your son soon settled down.


~ Trigel ~

While you and Trigel were cuddling in bed together before bed she had her hands on your extended belly since your daughter was active. You smiled as your daughter moved around inside of you, but winced when you felt her kick.

"She kicked." Trigel said in awe.

"I know, and it hurt a little." You told her.

"Are you alright?" Trigel asked, not wanting you to be in too much pain.

"I'll live. Besides, it wasn't a hard kick." You said, kissing her.

"If you say so, lovey." Trigel said as she returned the kiss.

You deepened the kiss, cupping her face with your hands. Trigel smirked as she slid her tongue inside of your mouth. Your daughter soon settled down and only moved around every so often

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